Need help removing key ignition


New member
Hi im wondering whats tools i need to remove the column to change the key ignition. Thank you.


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There should be some bolts that came with the puller you show in your pics. Slide them through the puller and screw them into the holes shown in you pics, there should be a long threaded bolt as well that should screw into the center of the puller, keep screwing the center on in and it should pop it off. Then you will have to rent a lock plate removeal tool (at autozone) that will take off that plastic cover under what you are trying to pull off in your pics. Once that plastic cover is off, I beleive you have access to the ignition and can take it out. Its been a while since I have done it, but you will not get to it with out that lock plate removal tool. As far as I can remember thats about it. It should unplug from under your colunm and slide out, slide the new one in and plug it in and put it all back together.
Go on youtube and look up the steering column repair for the S10. There are a couple more, but it's basically the sam-ish on all columns that I'v done. I just tightened a tilt column on an 82 Corvette. Only as deep as you need to go, it should be a piece of cake. Be ginger with the plastic turn signal piece, it has part of the wiring harness attatched, so don't be rough with it, though it's durable, you don't want to break any wires.