Need some help about the transmission disc.


New member
I got a surpris while taking my jeep for a drive. Another loud squeling nose came between the engine and transmission. Could the disc plate be bad? It did sound familar to when you turn the key onto start while its running. Can I fix this?

More info on the jeep itself would help out. What type of transmission? You used "another" loud noise.What was the first about?
the clutch disc has nothing to make noise with though, its just a plate with some type of asbestos liner attached to it with maybe some springs to help dampen the bite when it engages
I believe its the starter. After a while when im driving it starts to go click click click very fast. Traced the noise to the starter. Doesnt happen whens it parked. Wonder why.

how long has it been doing it? maybe your starter is not disengaging all the way and the starter is still turning when the jeep is running
Make sure that's the trouble. Start it and set the parking brake and then crawl under and put a screwdriver on the starter and listen to the handle. If your sure it's the starter then you can drop the starter and look at the teeth to see if they are getting damage from the flywheel and check the flywheel for damage. Also, you can have the starter tested at your local autoparts place to see if it's engaging and disengaging properly

Thanks il make sure to do that when i get home
Yeah it sounds like the bendix gear is sticking when you start the jeep. When you turn your key there is a spring loaded gear that springs out and engages with the flywheel and once the jeep is started the gear is subposed to retract back to where it was. Sounds like yours is sticking in the out position. You will probably have to get a new starter, if its a cj they are not that expensive, I think about 26.00 at local auto stores.

Took the starter off. The gear sticking out is a bit chewed up