Neep pcm 96 cherokee 4.0

Micah Chambers

New member
Need a good PCM for a 96 Cherokee 4x4. Here is the tag that's on it. If u have one pleas contact me.


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where are you located??? I know a guy that has one but DK if he wants to part with it, I bought thinking a 96 would be "close enough" for a 97 but it wasnt to be; the guy that has it now has a 96;
I could not return it so I gave it to him; being it will work on his 96, IDK if he would want to part with a "good spare". cuz one thing I DO know is he loves his Jeep..and dont wanna part with "it" and likes having spare parts for his rides available....

I have one I paid $100 for, I think its a '95 though.. not sure if there is a difference or not.. might check it out..