New 82 CJ7 Jamboree Owner


New member
I am in the process of getting a 82 CJ7 Jamboree. It is currently in Washington State. My dad is giving it to me. I am kind of stressed about the process of getting it registered in California, that whole smog thing. I am excited about getting it though. Ihave always wanted a Jeep ever since seeing Daisy Duke romp around Hazard Conty in one. Looking forward to my new adventure.

Yeah, a lot of people got bit by the Jeep bug that same way. I know I did. Welcome to Jeepz.
Cool... another Jambo owner! I've got # 0355 what # is yours? I'm givin' this one to my youngest son now that he's gonna start driving soon. It only cost him a 4.0 grade average :D to get it. Here's a link to register it if it's not already; The Jambo Registry lots of info there.

I have #21. Last thursday the engine started knocking, so it is currently sitting in my Garage getting no love.
I've got Jamboree #418. Hey Grizzer, looks like you got a 31" spare tire and cover for your Jamboree? Did you have the original Jamboree tire cover logo silk screened and then applied to a new cover? It looks awesome. I help Eric collect info for the 82Jambo site so I'll prob have a bunch more questions for you.

Jambo21 - got any pics of your beast?
I plan on taking some pics of it tomorrow and sending them to the Jambo Registry. I will try and post them here too.

Grizzler I can Already tell I like you by the sticker on your right bumper!
Hey Jambo 418, Yup your right it's a 31" MTR Gooodyear I just haven't had time to take the rest down to get put on. I put my friend to work on the spare tire cover, he has a vinyl sign shop up the road from me. I found the tire cover at they had the right type cover, seemed like all the rest had the canvas look... Hey Jambo 21, that would be cool if you could post a pic here! O' Eric has his hands full these days... You guys can email me at; Later, Dano'
Here are the pics of my Jambo. I had to push it out of my Garage. I won't be driving it for a while untiil I can get the engine rebuilt.:cry:


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Grizzer, How much did you get that Tire cover for? I would be interested in getting one for mine too!
I'm in for a spare tire cover as well Grizzer. I'll email at your yahoo account along with some other Jamboree questions for you.

Got yourself a pretty nice looking Jambo there 21. Sorry to hear about your engine. Guess that means its a good time to upgrade!

The Jamboree was an 1982 only edition built to commemorate the Jeepers Jamboree. It came with Laredo-like seats but with gold stripes instead of grey, saddle bags, numbered Jamboree plaque, Jamboree hood lettering, Topaz Gold metallic paint, chrome bumpers, Jamboree spare tire cover, and heavy duty battery, alt, cooling and suspension. The dealer could install a Ramsey winch, AM/FM/CB radio, grille and brush guard, windshield mounted driving lamps and fire extinguisher. The pic below is from the Jamboree dealer brochure all outfitted:
PS. Jambo 21, It's $105.00 plus shipping. It will fit up to a 34" tire and is lockable so anybody can't just grab it an run.

those are pretty sweet, I have always been a CJ lover (espeically the CJ-7) and had never seen one of those.