New girl from PA


New member
Hey all... After all these years of owning a Jeep Wrangler, I thought I would finally do the Jeep forum thing. I just bought a 2008 Jeep Wrangler X four door 4x4 and I love it! The only problem is that it doesn't have cruise for my longer highway trips. :( Anyone know if it can be installed and if so for how much?

Yes, the cruise control can be added as an after thought..Please remind me on monday and i will see how much they are..Welcome to Jeepz..
Welcome to jeepz. If youre still lookin for a cruise control for your jeep you should check out this site. Jeep Wrangler 2008 The kit is 200 bucks and doesn't look hard to install. Looks like simple wiring and mounting a switch in your steering column.

:welcome: to the Z! Always glad to see another girl join the site...

Good luck with your cruise control...mine came with so I am no help.
Welcome to jeepz. If youre still lookin for a cruise control for your jeep you should check out this site. Jeep Wrangler 2008 The kit is 200 bucks and doesn't look hard to install. Looks like simple wiring and mounting a switch in your steering column.

That doesn't seem to difficult. I think I could install that myself. 200 dollars isn't bad at all either. Thanks for the help! :-)