New Soft Top Windows


New member
Ive been looking around and I cant seem to find any replacement soft top windows, people only sell softtops themselves it seems. Im looking for a set of side and a back window for a black soft top, and im looking for ones that are tinted as well. Any help would be appreciated.

I'd call quadratech and ask someone for help live...not sure if there are any changes, but I know they carry replacement tinted windows for TJ's

Rob 8) :P :)

Possible to give me a direct link to where they sell the indivdual windows without the tops?

ummm you want the link to the windows, or can you find that okay.
Like I said, I'm not sure about the 03's. you might want to call the toll free # and ask a service rep.

Rob 8) :P :)
Okay I lied. The stuff I found was replacement top kits and mesh window kits but all for up to 02'. Sorry, hope Rob hooked you up with his link. 4wheelparts L33? kewl.