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New to this forum. I just picked up a 92 wrangler 4 cylinder stick shift. It Hausa 3" lift and 33" tires. I was driving it and all of a sudden lost power. It will not move in any gear. It shifts into all gets with no problem and engine runs fine. Where do I start looking? It Hausa hydraulic clutch and it does have oil in it.
Yes it's in gear. It was running fine then little by little lost power until I just sat there and wouldn't move. Let it sit for about an hour then tried again and move really slow for a bit then nothing.
Is the engine running smooth when you loose power like its a drive train issue or is the engine starting to struggle not providing power?
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Engine runs fine. I can let go of the clutch without giving it gas and jeep stays on. It won't shut off but it does lower the rpm a bit.

I let the car sit overnight and it worked just fine. I'm thinking I might be low on transmiss oil.
Engine runs fine. I can let go of the clutch without giving it gas and jeep stays on. It won't shut off but it does lower the rpm a bit.

Sounds like a clutch adjustment or replacement. Or as pointed out above the trans oil is burnt of very low. Use synchromesh trans oil.

Do not planarize the pressure plate. Scuff it only. Keeps have a slight dish to the plate that if removed causes lots of issues.

LUK is the best replacement clutch.
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sounds to me like your hydraulic clutch slave cylinder may have went out, or the clutch. Im guessing the slave.
i use the diesel version of whatever weight is required for the motor. i like the diesel oil because it still has the additives which keep the insides of the motor clean.

I use castroil synthetic 5w30. Many swear by getting oil with high ZDDP (zink) to reduce wear in lifters and valves... Valvoline oil VR1 is $$ but contains high zink.
VR1 racing oil or rotella diesel oil, both have high zinc for flat tappet cams. Modern engines shouldn't need the high zinc content.
I went with synchromesh for the transmission and rotella for the engine. As soon as we finished I had my so start the jeep and put it in 1st. He released the clutch and the jeep stalled. I'm assuming this fixed the problem because it wouldn't do that before. I also drained little transmission oil compared to the 3.5 quarts it takes. We continue today with fuel and air filter, spark plugs and fix gas tank leak. Have to drop the tank to see what's causing it to leak. Thanks for the help.

I didn't mention these :

Really important!

Spark plugs need to be at least single platinum for your year, make & model. The simple auto lite AP985 or double Pt APP985 or champion work well. Gap 0.35

Keep the stock air box and a simple paper air cleaner. Pennzoil WIX...

Air and Oil filter Pennzoil or Wix are good. The oil filters have a valve in them that keeps some oil in the top end. Plus the valve doesn't seem to fail as much as others. The air filters do well and out perform the high end expensive oil treated air filters.
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I did buy the Auto Lite AP985. I also went with the K&N Air and oil filters. Now I noticed that theres a leak coming from my gas tank. I dropped the tank and noticed a small crack on the side of the polytank. I emptied the gas and filled it with water to find see the leak better but now it doesn't leak. Could it be the vent valves not working properly and maintaining the tank pressurized. I was thinking of fixing the tank myself. Is this recommend or should I just purchase a new one?
I did buy the Auto Lite AP985. I also went with the K&N Air and oil filters. Now I noticed that theres a leak coming from my gas tank. I dropped the tank and noticed a small crack on the side of the polytank. I emptied the gas and filled it with water to find see the leak better but now it doesn't leak. Could it be the vent valves not working properly and maintaining the tank pressurized. I was thinking of fixing the tank myself. Is this recommend or should I just purchase a new one?

Tanks are not my cup of tea. Hopefully someone else could answer.