New to site and Jeeps


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Hello all.

My name is Mike and I live in Renton, WA

I am new to Jeeps and have the opportunity to get a 2006 Jeep Wrangler SE Sport Utility 2D 4WD for about 14,000 it has a nice sound system in it and some tires and rims.
My question is about how much is a 4inch lift for these things?
Also, it does not have full metal doors. Half metal and half zip up.
Do I have the capability of installing full doors on this jeep?
Is it even a good deal? they say the bluebook is 16,500...It’s a 4 banger with 30,000 on the ticker and its got a manual trans.

any help/information would be great. what type of common problems should i be concerned about?
here is a pic


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welcome to jeepz. nice looking jeep,that said, it seems to be a little high for a 4 banger. what do you plan on doing with your jeep. i bought my 97 tj with 4 inch lift,tires ,mag rims,stereo system,with 94,000 for 6,900. you can swap to hard doors.check out prices on ebay and autotrader,should give you some ideas. good luck let us know
thanx for the reply. and i just plan on using it as a daily driver with some mild off roading here and there. nothing crazy. i want no bigger than 35''. maybe only 33''
Hard to comment on price.It changes with the location you live in.I think it is high for a 4 banger.I have a 97 and only paid 3500.As far as the doors.Sure you can get hard doors.My kids refer to the Jeep as a transformer.So many ways to interchange parts.As far as the cost of the lift.Depends on how hard core you want.Any where from $400 to $4000.Biggest problem I have is keeping the mud off the windshield so I can see when the next low tree branch is coming up.

Jeep TJ Suspension Lift Kits

TJ Wrangler Lift Kits | TeraFlex Suspensions

You do have to watch,not all 4" lift kits are complete.You should also look at getting longer brake lines and some other odds and ends the kit does not always include.