2000XJ 3-1/2" OME,255 BFG A/T's
While 4X4ing in 4 low on a steep hill the front tires started to spin. There was a loud bang. Is this normal? What is the slip yoke. How does it work?
The slip yoke is simply the means of connection between the transfercase and rear drive shaft. The t-case has a a cone on the back which is one half of the slip yoke , while the end of the rear driveshaft has the other half of the slip yoke. They slide into each other to form a mechanical connection :mrgreen:
Is it only under hard acceleration/power transfer?
I am thinking front axle (everyones definition is different when we discuss loud bang, so I am going to assume it is as loud as the bang I hear from my poor ol' beat up D 30)
I have the Selec Trac. I have also noticed that when I shut the engine off I hear a rattle. It is a brief rattle maybe 2-3 knocks. Could that be a further indication of the chain slipping? The banging noise was quite loud, and yes the 4 wheel drive still works. How easy of a fix is it to repair a slipping chain?
Graewulf, Do you think that the slight rattle when I shut the engine off could be a vibration in the transfer case? Engine mounts? I'm looking for a place to start. It sounds like it is directly below the shifter. Any ideas?
It could be normal vibrations, but i'd check the engine mounts and the transmission mount to see if they look bad. When my transmission mount broke (rubber wore out to the point that it no longer supported the transmission properly), I'd get some movement/vibration from the drivetraiin when starting from a stop and turning the vehicle off.
Come to think about it, it rattles slightly when coming to a stop. I can feel it throught the shifter while slowing down. Do I just check the rubber for wear?
I adjusted the shift linkage for the transfer case. It's pretty simple to do and only took 5 minutes. I will let you guys know when I take it off road again if the noise is still there. Thanks for the tips.