NP242 Transfercase Leak HELP!


New member
I have a NP424 transfer case and it is leaking fluid out the back where the rear drive shaft connects. I was told it is the rear output shaft seal. But someone else said it is the bushing and oil seal. I will post photos as well.

Also do you have a part number for it?

I'm sure there is a how to out there to fix it. If someone doesn't mind posting a link for it!

Thanks in advance!


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It's just the seal. Drain the fluid or lift the back of the jeep so the fluid doesn't drain out the tailshaft. Remove the driveshaft and pry the seal out of the tailcone. Most parts stores can look up the seal or cross-reference the number on the seal. Then tap the new seal into place. I always put a little grease on the lip of the seal to prevent the slipyoke from tearing the rubber when you install the driveshaft.
It's just the seal. Drain the fluid or lift the back of the jeep so the fluid doesn't drain out the tailshaft. Remove the driveshaft and pry the seal out of the tailcone. Most parts stores can look up the seal or cross-reference the number on the seal. Then tap the new seal into place. I always put a little grease on the lip of the seal to prevent the slipyoke from tearing the rubber when you install the driveshaft.

I replaced the seal, the hardest part was removing the old one. The part cost $9.99 at autozone. It was the output shaft seal.

Thanks for all the help!