oilless on the top end????????


Give us a little more details' have you ran it ? Size engine?
ive us some more details...... :-D [addsig]

ok, it is a 87 cherokee 4.0, yes it is running but it sat for a long time with penzoil in it
and i think everyone knows what that does to a motor....when i got it running the were only 2 rockers oiling so i ran so flush thru it and made no diff. so i pulled the rockers and cleaned the holes in the push rods and in the rockers (severly plugged) put it back together and the 2 that were oiling aren't and another one is so i flushed it again and 3 more started oiling at high rpms now there are 2 or 3 that are still not oiling at all have driven it for a few days hoping to blow the s*** out of it but no luck .. would like to try and fix this problem without pulling the head( my only source of transportation) any good products for flushing motors i don't know about that work extremely well please tell me.....
i have used cd-2, 5 minute engine flush, and some other stuff made by gumout any help would be appreciated
thanks in advance

Now this is a bit of urban ledgend that I picked up and have never used and don't want to be the cause of major trouble here so. 1. if anyone has ever heard of this to confirm or disapprove please do so. 2. Take this as it is said and go from there an urban ledgend. That being said I know an ol wrench that says if he recovers an ol engin that has set for a period of time here is what he does to get it going. First he checks the oil to see that there is oil in there. Takes a quart of Desil fule and adds to the crank case oil and then removes the coil wire to be sure it will not start. He then rolls the motor over several times long enough to get the oil pumping thru the engin a bit. Lets it set a couple of hours and does a oil change. filles her up with oil and replaces the coil wire and starts her up runs for 5 mins and repetes the desil cold crank thing this time rolls the engin a bit more with out the coil wire then drains and refills the oil starts her up and runs here a good bit say 500 miles, then does a final oil change to see how it acts.
This guy owns a equipment rental business and says he swares by it and has done it to all kinds of motors. So take this with a grain of salt but the old guy has been in the business many years. Says it will wash the inside of an engin and loosen up gunk in there better than any thing on the market. Good luck and remember it is what I said was urban ledgend. Tug[addsig]


I remember when I was going to automotive school, we looked at alot of products to clean out engines.. flushes etc.. and most all of them smelled and looked just like diesel fuel. The instuctors said diesel work great for cleaning oil... we would even have it in spray bottles to wipes ooff greasy items. so there may be some truth to the old mans methods[addsig]

ok, i am not sure that the ones i used smelt like deisel but it sure smelt like solvent so i am not sure but i will sure give it a shot .next question , how much should i add to the oil?????5 qts oil and ???? qts deisel??????
thanks for all the help from all of you i sure appreciate it :-? [addsig]