Paragon Monthly Ride (Oct 1,2)


New member
Anyone going to Paragon soon? I'm thinking of going to the Monthly Ride and taking some intermediate trails. It'll only be my second time out, so I'm still a novice. I know there's a bunch of people in the area... NJ, NY, and PA that go there. Is anyone planning to go for the Monthly ride or planning a trip soon that'll hit some lesser trails?


RE: found vac hose off under passanger side

I'm game for paragon, but not that weekend..maybe after
RE: Windows on YJ & CJ hardtops the same?

Yeah, I missed it to. I'm not going to make next month's either, however if anyone's going the 15/16 or 29/30 weekend, I'd be game.


RE: workin

Hey Phatty X ,
I would be interested on going the weekend of the 29th / 30th , green trails only . Even if it's just the 3 vehicle group minimum . Let me know bro

Have you ever been there? I haven't, but I'm up for going the 30th (it's the Sunday). We'd need at least one more vehicle and a tow strap. Still interested?
