Please help with my tfi upgrade on my cj8


New member
I'm glad to be part of this site. I have been reading a lot of the information here and I've learned a lot. I have owned cj7s (stock) but its been years. I recently bought a 1982 cj8 (long over due) and I want to make it a very nice daily driver, mostly on pavement. I have a few upgrades I'm looking at doing to have a better jeep. I have a few questions and could use some help. First question is I want to do the TFI upgrade. I already have NAPA cap, rotor, and autolite 8.5mm wires. I also want to install the MSD 6a ignition, the MSD coil (8227), MSD ignition adaptor (8869), and the Mr Gasket springs (925D). I have found a lot of information, which help me decided on these items, but I couldnt find how it all comes together. So First question is: Do I remove the solenoid from the Jeep? if so how excatly do I wire up the MSD and eliminate the solenoid? Second question, what is the easiest way to mount the MSD coil on the jeep? What spark plugs should I use? I also will upgrade my holley carb with a MC2100, where is the best place to buy the mc2100 carb?

I live in Florida so I dont have to worry about emissions and I want to remove as much junk under my hood. What can I remove to clean up under my hood?

Finally, need some more info on the Nutter Bypass,. What are the benefits of it? Is it good for all applications or just for offroad?Please Help....All answers are welcomed!!!​

You have a Holley already? I would leave that for now, wait till you are done doing the electrical stuff because the Holley might work fine for you.

I tried the mc2100 and 2150, weber 34, and two Holley carbs. The hollers worked the best, for me.

I am not sure on the msd stuff but there should be instructions in the box to get us started.

The nutter can be googled with great instructions coming up, that is how I found good pictures and instructions for my early model yj
If you are upgrading to HEI, you don't need to do the Nutter bypass (even more so if you have no worries about emissions). In short, there will be a thick (8-10 gauge) red/sometimes with a clear strip wire coming throught the firewall into the engine compartment just below the steering shaft. If you follow it down it runs to the ignition control module mounted somewhere on the lower inside divers fender well. This is the ignition key controlled hot wire for your distrusbution system. You'll cut this wire and run it directly to your new coil (the old coil comes out). You wil also need to remove and/or cap off the additional vaccum lines for the variuos emission components (i.e. the EGR valve and whatever else that may still be on your Jeep).

ok, so i dont need the Nutter Bypass if I'm doing the TFI upgrade? I still dont know if I remove the solenoid or not? Also what are good spark plugs for this upgrade?

I'm also looking at putting a OME suspension but I cant find where to find it for my CJ8. any advise?
I dont know where you could get actual OME suspension parts except maybe a dealer, but just about every suspension company should have stock height springs. If you want good quality with a excellent warrenty look into bigdicks suspension. There warrenty states if you bent or break it they will replace it no quations asked and I have used this warrenty, and it is what they say. (I was in a wreck) not offroading. You can use any plug of you liking, The HEI allows you to open the gap up from .35 up to like .55 which give a hotter spark. It dont require dif plugs, I like AC-Delco myself, AMC engines run real well on autolite plugs
I'm not 100% sure what you mean by "solenid"? Are you referring to the ignition coil or the ignition module? Your stock coil will be replaced by the MSD coil and your going to bypass (you can actually remove it) the module. You will not need to do the Nutter bypass because you will be replacing the parts with the MSD parts that it normall bypasses. The Nutter bypass (simply put) removes the primitive emissions control unit from your ignition loop.

But first, let's back up a bit, the MSD ignition system is not truely a HEI system (it is a very good system with that said). Before you open up the spark gap, you'll need to know how much voltage the particular coil that is being supplied with your kit is capible of producing? A HEI system will provide 50,000 volts or greater so opening the gap to .50-.55 is not a problem, if the MSD coil is providing less than 50,000 (likely around 30,000-35,000) you simply will have poor performance with such a large gap. Regardless, once the system is installed you can try various gaps to find your sweet spot.

While it is correct that you can use any OEM style spark plug with good results, you may want to upgrade to a slightly better platium plug. There is no need to go crazy and purchase really expensive plugs. I'm with 69jeepCJ, I like the AC-Delco or autolite (both offer upgraded versions over the stock set up that are affordable). I would recommend looking up the "Classic In-line Six" web site. Although mostly written about the Ford engine (don't hold it against them), the info provided about engine performance and mods is a great resource.

As for your suspension question, you can still purchase the factory style springs. They can be found at Morris 4X4 in the CJ8 section. If you perfer, you can call them to get more info, ask if Tre or Chris are available. However, just as 69jeepCJ pointed out, I'm sure why you want to go the OEM style springs? You can get aftermarket spring ranging from 0-4" of lift that offer a better ride at a lower cost.

Thanks for the response. To clarify a few little things. The solenoid I'm referring to is the stock one that sits on the pass side fender. Unless you call that a coil. Because my jeep has a coil mounted next to the distributor.
As for springs, I'm not looking for OEM, I'm looking for a OME (old man edu) suspension kit. From everything I've read the OME suspension is the best ride on the market. But I don't find who sells it for a cj8.
As for the msd not being a true HEI upgrade? I'm confused, everything a read says its a step up from the made up module team rush uses... Yes explain. I decided on the msd because it was the best upgrade although more expensive but better, Especially with the msd coil.
Thanks guys keep it coming!!!
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Does this solenoid look like this? 3230451_7602.jpg

This is an igintion control module, it will be removed.
Well.... I can see pieces of this picture coming together. Have you already bought the MSD parts that you orginially listed? I would double check the parts applications.

Are you planning on re-using your existing distributor with the upgrade of the new cap, rotor and wires? Are you planning on just adding the 6a control module and coil using an adaptor? If you have not purchased these parts, I would invest my money into a HEI (uni-body, one wire connection) system and save time, money and aggrevation. There is nothing wrong about your plan, it's just a lot of work. As for your centrifical advance spring upgrades, I would not put to much worry into those and stay with stock weights. You'll still have the vacuum advance to create the curve. After all, it's a Jeep- Not a high performance car.

The difference between HEI and an MSD iginition system can be broken down into two (2) main differences. HEI is a one piece unit (with the coil built into the cap) using a single wire connection (12V, key controlled iginition source) and the intergated coil is capable of delivering 50,000 volts or greater. The MSD iginition system is similiar but uses separate components to boost output and improve performance. Generally, the comptele MSD system (including thier distrubtor) will deliver up to 45,000 volts.

Again, there is nothing wrong with MSD. It just adds more work and set to what has the potential of being a very simple modifaction.

Thank you police monkey. I do understand he different upgrades. I thought there's the HEI upgrade n then there's the TFI upgrade. Am I correct? I decided on the TFI upgrade and that's where the MSD parts come in. I understand I could use a ford coil and the team rush modified module but as I mentioned earlier, I decided on the MSD coil, module and plug. Should be an easy connect and play, I think. I already did the cap, rotor n wires upgrade.

What gets me laughing most is te while solenoid thing. ( I know what the module looks like) I might be over thinking this altogether but, it's the little black cylinder looking thing sith a screw on each side that is on the pass side inner fender that has wires going to the battery, starter etc. I tried loading a picture but it didn't work.
No that is a starter solenoid, it's used regardless. So you understand what a TFI upgrade is, perfect. The CJ that I just bought to replace the one that was totaled last month has this type of upgrade. I don't know a lot about them, only what I have read........ Personnally, I have upgraded two CJ's to HEI systems. One using the Davis Unified Iginition (D.U.I.) and my last CJ using the HEI system from Skip White (which only ran me about $250 including "LiveWires). I have used Mallory iginition systems (similiar to the MSD) on older muscle cars with very good success. But these cars are higher in performance.
Hahahaha... I'm such a retard!! For some reason I thought that "starter" solenoid is connected with the ignition. I thought I saw a pictures from team rush that looked like the solenoid was being removed... Ok I guess it makes some sense. : )

ok, i'm ready to start my swap. i removed the stock ignition module. the module has two plugs I know 1 goes to my MSD ignition but where does the 2nd plug get connected to once i remove the stock module??