Please Read very Important !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


New member

Here is a web site of the local 4wd club I am appart of and they are trying to privatize texas rivers please all 4 wd enthuiasts take a look at and help support us and not allow them to do this...because if they can do it in texas what makes the stop there and not move to your state to try the same thing, and take away your favorite wheeling spot????? Just think about it and please give me some feed back........
:-x :-x :-x :-x :-x :-x [addsig]


That sucks j higgins! I dont understand why Texas would let this happen! Well what am i talking about i live in Massachuesttes were there is no land for nothing! ugh! I am a city boy wishing i lived in the woods ! Good luck Poooorboy :-) [addsig]

Hey man I hear you. Just keep the faith and don't let it get ugly. I think if your club really push the tread lightly image, you might have a better outlook to your public. Just do your best and good luck.[addsig]