Posi Lock

I'd give it a try.

Looks pretty interesting. I've attached directions to install the posi-lok off his site. Looks like good directions.

hey - he's got a patent - [FONT=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]4x4 Posi-Lok—Patent No. 5,605,213[/FONT]


  • inst_900-920.pdf
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  • dodge_axle.gif
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oops - forget my previous post. He claims that is system is the same as the one above. I guess he just copied them.

Sweet! Thanks for snooping around bounty.
Put TJ shafts in there. that two piece shafts are horrible. you can get some junk yard shafts for short money plus a set for spares and you only need to change one seal on the pass side. other than that,complete "bolt on"
Put TJ shafts in there. that two piece shafts are horrible. you can get some junk yard shafts for short money plus a set for spares and you only need to change one seal on the pass side. other than that,complete "bolt on"

Why didn't you tell me that 2 weeks ago? I just put in new seals and new u-joints in the D30... crap, now I gotta go break em to justify an upgrade so soon.

Why didn't you tell me that 2 weeks ago? I just put in new seals and new u-joints in the D30... crap, now I gotta go break em to justify an upgrade so soon.

Drive up a Curb... they'll break!

worth thinking into the future for.

Good luck.

Kept breaking.... well.. In the defence of two piece shafts, one of my many broken shafts was the drivers side joint.. But I broke 3 seperate pass intermidiate shafts. and they are a PITA to change. Swapped over to TJ shafts and never broke another one. granted I only wheeled the TJ's shafts for a couple months before the 44 went in, but I got more use out of them.

Simply from my experience, and it was locked and I am a little butal.

I'd never seen the disconnect section fail due to a shaft breakage, that area is substantially thicker than the rest of the shaft.
I never have either. Anyone that has seen pics of me wheel knows how brutal I am too... I've since upgraded, but I wasn't easy on the 30. The weak link in the YJ shafts is the 260 joint, and I broke more ears than I did shear u-joints. Hell, I even popped both shafts at once before.

I'll see if I can find pics.

I'm not doubting you, just didn't think it was common enough a failure to warrant the trouble of swapping in one piece shafts. Figured most did it to get away from the vacuum disconnect troubles.
I found one pic, not on a computer, an actual picture, but nothing you can really see. If I recall, and this is a while back, one broke on the drivers side ear. Two broke at the carrier on the intermediate shaft (splines were definatly twisted too) one broke at the collar, and the more that I think of it.. the pass side Joint may have failed once or twice. But nothing I set to memory.

I also had 297 joints, when I broke the first U-joint, I swapped in 95 YJ shafts.

No. There is no vacuum disco on the rear axle. Some owners of Suzukis and Toyotas have something similar that allows them to free up one side of their Detroit Lockers, but not this.
If I recall, and this is a while back, one broke on the drivers side ear. Two broke at the carrier on the intermediate shaft (splines were definatly twisted too) one broke at the collar, and the more that I think of it.. the pass side Joint may have failed once or twice. But nothing I set to memory.

I also had 297 joints, when I broke the first U-joint, I swapped in 95 YJ shafts.
So, with the larger ujoints, and all those front axleshaft failures, only one was at the disconnect. IMO if you're going to fault the disconnect, then you should really fault the ujoints and 27spline shafts at the carrier as they broke more often than the disco. Sounds like the disco fared better than the remainder of the shafts and 297x joints.

Just playing Devil's advocate here, I think the disco gets a worse rap than it should. Most negativity comes from those who don't know how to troubleshoot it after its common (non-breakage) failures.