Power steering


New member
I don't know if anyone else has this problem but every time I take my jeep In the mud I brake my power steering. I'm tired of paying 100$ to get It fixed. Anyone know a good solution to fixing it besides keeping it out of the mud

I know of 100's of Jeeps that play in the mud without breaking the steering. What exactly on yours is breaking?
What part is breaking? I think mine out in the mud all the time and not once has it failed me. Could it be that you have a leak and mud gets in some how? Or maybe just a bad part
I think it's just a pos but it I can take in and out with no problem but when I start doing donuts and try to sling mud you can hear the power steering scream and over time it just gets tighter and harder to turn.

Sounds like a pump issue. Leak somewhere? This shouldn't be happening! Where are you taking it that they charge you $100 each time....
I usually just take it back to the dealer and it's still on warranty but the drop cost is 100$ and I just got into an accident yesterday. I havnt had the best of luck lately

johnjoseph1995 said:
I usually just take it back to the dealer and it's still on warranty but the drop cost is 100$ and I just got into an accident yesterday. I havnt had the best of luck lately

Did you pay the dealership the 1st time to install it? That's kinda crappy the keep charging you 100 dollars especially if they put crap parts into your vehicle
steady.foot said:
Drop cost? What is that? If it's under waranty, There should be no cost to you.

I think the drop cost is them having to remove the part from the vehicle (I may be mistaken) but if they did all the labor then the labor is under warranty and shouldn't cost him anything to replace a faulty part