Project: Where the heck is my steering wheel? (Wrangler TJ)


New member
Well about a month ago I picked this up from a friend who aquired it from repo'ing for his job. He added the Rubicon Express Budget Boost lift and some old 33'' laying around. So here is a picture of it the day I picked it up.


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Once I got it home and on the rack I started discovering all the issues I purchased. First issue that immediate attention was the oil pan. My friend crushed it on his only trip in it to the Gilmer, TX. I put out a post on a local forum asking if someone had an oilpan they were interested in selling. I guy responded told me I could have an oil pan as long as I took the motor attached to it. So now I have a spare block to start building a stroker motor. Well we noticed how shot my steering was. After a week trying to round up the right parts being it is right hand drive. I contacted Rusty's and bought the steering conversion kit. The kit bolted up backwards and worked perfect.


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While changing out the steering I neglected to notice the track bar is shot so I have a new adjustible one being fabricated. Hopefully.
I also installed some new speakers and CD player to make things sound better.


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New body armor. will be painting soon and installed. hopefully weather will stay good.


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I dig the right hand drive. Looks like you're off to a good start.

BTW - I attached your photos. You have to use the "Go Advanced (upload photos)" link, then upload your photos in this section.

That would get some crazy looks on the trail. The dealer near me let me take one for a spin (it was a JK though) and I found myself driving in the middle of the road.
xjmarc said:
That would get some crazy looks on the trail. The dealer near me let me take one for a spin (it was a JK though) and I found myself driving in the middle of the road.
I am going on my 1st trail ride this Sunday. The Jeep Jamboree is soon here in Louisiana and they are doing a prerun.

Just an update. I bought the Skyjacker transfer case bracket relocator. Just got to say what a pain in the rear. The instructions were about as detailed as an Obama speech. After figuring it out and an hour and half later I was off the lift and able to shift the transfer case in and out of 4wd.


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:D Wife told me it was built for climbing boxes of coarse she s a mail lady and she wishes it was hers


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Looks like you have yourself a pretty sweet ride there. Nice job.
54cj3b said:
:D Wife told me it was built for climbing boxes of coarse she s a mail lady and she wishes it was hers

I don't know about the Winnie the pooh thing, but that postal jeep is awesome. Id be proud to carry mail any day in that thing. Maybe if they started using those instead of all the beat to crap mail trucks they currently have, postal workers would be a little more happy with their jobs.

Most carriers these days have to buy there own vehicles now post office getting real cheap providing vehicles