Pulling out an AX15 Transmission..


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Pulling out an AX15 Transmission..

Its fustrating, it really looks like ive disconected everything and i cant seem to slide her back to release the input shaft. Im a bit suspicious of the bell housing bolts that attatch to the transmission, Can anyone confirm how many there are supposed to be? I counted 5 on a YJ 4.2 1990 but i can not get the thing to budge back a mm let alone the required 4 inches before i can drop it down. I also have a feeling i left her in 1st before i removed everything, could this be the reason it won't move or is it just getting the angle right in relation to the engine? Any help would be much appreciated.

Finally if any body out there is a wizz with transmissions where would you look for problems if yours occasionally refuses to go into 3 and 4th, gets stuck in 3rd and will only change down at under 2000 rpm. I know where i can pick up a 80k mile trans for $450, is it worth just putting this in or attempting to rectify the current trans?


A new guy with a jeep headache. :-O

edited by: Shep, Feb 04, 2003 - 04:55 AM[addsig]


Ahh man I know where you are....just swapped out my AX-5 about 2 weeks ago. What I hear mostly about the AX15 transmission are the 2 torx head bolts at the very top....they are very hard to get to. Here is picture of the bellhousing.


This is actually a BA-10 bellhousing but the engine side is the same as the ax15. As far as replacement with a used one, I would be pretty careful when dealing with used transmissions. Make SURE that the transmission is good BEFORE you put it in...even if you have to split the case and visually inspect it...look for brass specs from the synchros and check the magnetic drain plug for metal shavings. Obviously check for missing gear teeth and shafts for play...turn the shafts and listen for any bearing noise. $450 sounds a bit high for a used one...seen em for $300 or less. Check around. I know they come up on ebay occasionally and I have seen completely rebuilt ones for about $700. It sounds to me like your transmission is toast..synchros are probably just about gone.[addsig]

E-12 reverse torx is the exact tool you'll need... if you have about 6.48 miles of extensions and swivels, you can get to them just fine.. Right on the top of the bellhousing[addsig]

Be sure to use a good synthetic gear oil in the transmission, that is NOT GL5 rated. Redline MT90 is highly recommended, and advertises to be easy on the brass synchros. This may remedy your shifting problem and make the transmission last longer.

I've had my AX5 out many times, and sympathize with your frustration. Use a long extension with a swivel at the end to get all the Bellhousing bolts. The shifter can be removed from the shift tower on the transmission without removing all the shifter boots, let me know if you need to know how, it's really easy.[addsig]


agreed on the shift tower... its much more aggrivating to pull the interior apart just to get to the shift tower. once you drop the transmission about 3 inches... you can easily get to the bolts up there from underneath[addsig]

Listen guys i just wanted to thankyou for the advice i intend to put it into practice tonight - unfortunately in a non heated garage in Chicago :roll: but summers just around the corner and i intend to get this puppy on the road by then.

I'll keep an eye out for those top bolts and let you know how my 1st attempt at a transmission rebuild goes, i'll get myself some of that transmission fluid aswell, see if it helps at all.



Allright where are you supposed to get a E-12 reverse torx from. I went in three auto shops and sears (craftsman) and none of the muppets knew what one was. The mechanic at Pepboys said they are like gold dust. Any suggestions, it feels like things are about to become painfull.



agreed on the shift tower... its much more aggrivating to pull the interior apart just to get to the shift tower. once you drop the transmission about 3 inches... you can easily get to the bolts up there from underneath

If you're talking about removing the shifter, you don't have to remove the 4 bolts holding the shift tower on. There is a spring loaded collar in the shift tower, slip the rubber boot off the shift tower, put one finger in each side of the shift tower and depress the collar 1/4", and rotate about 1/4 turn and the shifter comes out of the shift tower.[addsig]

I picked up a few reverse (also called external) torx bits where I needed them here and there at Napa...Autozone has em too. They were expensive though...I think each was about $6. I am sure you can get a set much cheaper than that if you look around. I know that the starters on the four banger engines also require the E-12 socket...thats what I had to get for mine.

Here is a pic of what you are looking for...if anything just print it and show it to em hehe.


i removed the bolts from the shift tower so i could remove the Tcase shifter to transfer it on to my new transmission.... you may not need to do this just to remove the transmission... can't remember how its set up[addsig]