radiator and electric fan question


New member
i have a 92 YJ with a 2.5 engine. i want to put a electric fan on it and found one that is 12 inches and pushes 1200 CFM. will this be big enough to keep my jeep cool, I think so, just want some assurance. thanks
i have a 92 YJ with a 2.5 engine. i want to put a electric fan on it and found one that is 12 inches and pushes 1200 CFM. will this be big enough to keep my jeep cool, I think so, just want some assurance. thanks

No it is too small in diameter and CFM. I use a flex-a lite 485 and it works well. Also a ford tarus fan works.

Why are you looking into a e fan??
Use one of 3 options; the Ford Taurus one already mentioned, or the lincoln MK VIII (I think it was VIII, but I could be wrong), or a Flex-a-Lite one. The nice thing about the Lincoln is that it covers the entire radiator, it has a bigger fan, and runs the same motor as the Taurus (plus, it's cheap if you find it in the JY; mine was all of $28).