Ran over myself / This post begs for details... (mud4feet)


New member
My Jeep ran me over... complete with trip to the ER and everything.


Alright, some background info. My Jeep has been in a restore process, which was supposed to be a quick paint job since it was bought with several colors. One thing led to another, welders happened, parts broke, bears got upity... you know the story. 8 months later, it's driveable again. Not finished, but certainly road-worthy. All the body rust cut out and new metal welded in; full paint job; lots of new parts, etc. Day two - On the way to work, 1 bang + engine significantly louder = me cutting the exhaust hanger with a pocket knife in my work cloths in the work parking lot. The exhaust on the driver's side broke after the Cat. Day four - 3 or 4 louder bangs + obscenely obnoxious engine noise = me seriously considering doing something about this. The passenger side (V8 dual exhaust) broke at the header. So, on the weekend, I took it to my brother (who is the best I've seen at doing exhaust) and he does this amazing custom piping on both sides from the header back. It's art I tell you... ART. I drive the hour home and the CJ is running better than it ever has. She looks purty, she runs great. Sunday...

Ahh Sunday. I get up nice and early to finish up some odds and ends that still need to be done, hopefully install a radio. The guy that did the paint sees the new exhaust pipes and says "Fire it up. Let me hear it". I do just that... from outside the vehicle, I lean in, not thinking, and turn the key. It's in gear... but instead of bucking a little... it fired right up and started driving away. It's first target... me.

I'm stunned at this point. Who the heck is driving? ... and where to? Wait, what? Am I on a hill? So it's knocked me over at this point. Instead of just letting go, I hold on. Obviously, I can do something about the situation from my position hanging off the door. I try to hit the p. brake, but can't reach it. In hind site, knocking it out of gear would have done the trick, but like I said. I was stunned! It's driving away. At this point, the d.s. rear tire is pushing my ankle along the gravel drive. I get my ankle out of the way, by conveniently replacing it with my knee. 31 + knee = bad. Finally, I let go.

Next on its list was an old refridgerator (which I've never seen before. I don't have a clue how it got there... or why). It's at this point that I would like to remind you: there is no one driving. It's in first gear. No pressure on the gas pedal... While pushing the fridge, it sequentially hit 4 cinder blocks which finally stopped its forward progression after it pushed them through the neighbor's fence. After digging into the gravel for a couple seconds, it stalled.

I went to the ER (after all it was Sunday), which is a story in itself. I had to explain the above story to each different person I talked to there. Each one of them shook their head and said "That's amazing, I have to tell 'insert name'" 'insert name' would come into the room minutes later for me to explain to all over again. I got some Xrays of my knee and a tetnus (sp?) shot. On Tues, my family Dr. advised me not to drive (thanks, no really thanks, driving was on the top of my list of things to do).

So, I worked from home last week AND learned that my Trak-loc is working open since there was only one tire mark in the gravel.

There you go... my "I drove over myself" story. Enjoy!

The Jeep really only took a hit to the fender, which has already been banged back out. The fender's being repainted. Hopefully, some other stuff will be done by the time I get back next week.



So...I don't get it. What does Mud have to do with this?

And I'm glad your okay! Sheesh, not to many people can say they ran over themselves with their own Jeep.
Re: RE: Anyone going to see Dave Matthews in St Louis?

PhattyX said:
I didn't wan to Hijack Berettajeep's origional post, so I created a new one.


I don't mind, it makes me feel popular 8)

The jeeps name would not be Christine would it?

No, but thats my name :lol: leave me out of this, I should write steven king. Im always getting blamed for possesed cer accidents :wink:
Btw: Phatty I hope your ok, and no, I had nothing to do with it.
RE: Meeting the Muds: A Short Story


See how see worded it?

possesed cer accidents

GUILTY!!!! :wink:
RE: Re: RE: National Anthem

HAHAHA!!!! :lol: :lol: thanx, phatty, great story! I just had to have a little more detail!

Hey my old YJ rolled 300 Yards down two streets till it hit a house!