random question about dating


New member
now, im sure everyones heard once or twice about a girl (or guy, im not sexest ladies) being "out of their league". now, ive always been a firm believer that this is not the case. Im no Zack Morris, (or, say, james dean for u older folk?) but women dont usually run away screaming when i ask them out. Basicly, im just wondering everyones thoughts. With the righ class and a little style and game, cant any guy get any girl (or vsvs)?

AH, such innocense. I used to belive that any guy and any girl could "hook-up".... and then I started dating.... well I tried to date.... The girls didn't run away screaming, it was much worse! I've gotten giggles to un-controlable laughter, aww's, are you serious's, fake numbers/ numbers of their boyfriend's, I've been totally ignored, and the least hurtful the flat out NO.
The "Dating Circut" in my expirance, isn't a level playing field. A Good Looking Person* could date Above-Average People*, the Above-Average Person* theorehtically can date Average People*, an Average Person a Below-Average People*, a Below-Average Person a Person with a face only a Mother could love.
So when I found a girl that I thought.... "Hmmm, this IS the best I can do?!?", I got married. Now, I haven't changed much since high school, love still makes me bitter, because of one night thinking with the small head I have a lifetime of worry with a little girl vs. the world, and that ever present thought "Could I have done better?" Don't get me wrong, I love my wife and wouldn't change anything for the world but, it leaves you thinking. And yes, the theory of love leaves me bitter...


*Good Looking People*
*Above-Average People*
*Average People*
*Below-Average People*
*A Face Only a Mother Could Love*
It is completely possible to date "out of your league" . I am just an avg lookin guy and i have bagged quite a few that were out of mine. My gf now that i have been with for that last 5 years, is to hot for me . It is all about the game , telling them what they want to hear and making them laugh. I dont care how hot a chick is , if you put me in a situation like work or something where i get to spend alot of time around them then i can get the job done.On ther other hand , I suck at going to a bar and pickin them up because i am not a dancer or a great lookin guy that they just want to jump on.

hey there prairepunk, woah. sorry to hit a sour nerve there. dating isnt all that bad. and if ur doing it not half bad it can be fun. least u got urself a nice wife
Oh, hey Greencuke, no worries man. I was never any good at dating and I know why (lack of confidence/baby face). I was just stating my expirance in a small Ohio town.... I have seen some trophy spouses with some.... uh.... less than desirable people. I 'spose confidence is the key, being Brad Pitt couldn't hurt though.... oh and who is Zack Morris? (I'm only 22)
you seriously don't know who zack morris is? i'm 22. how could you grow up the same time i did and not know who he is. how could you get through your childhood without saved by the bell!??

ps - is this a serious question? are you going to go talk to hotter women now because someone on jeepz told you you could do it?
bchcky said:
you seriously don't know who zack morris is? i'm 22. how could you grow up the same time i did and not know who he is. how could you get through your childhood without saved by the bell!??
Oh... I never watched "Saved By The Bell"... I didn't really watch TV when I was younger.
Okies, sure the "leagues" exist. like if you see a super hot chick with a super ugly guy your like wtf? i've never really thought about myself being better than someone. most chicks i know think the opposite while they are dating a guy.. omg whys he with me he's sooo hot smart amazingly perfect, drool. its after you break up that you actually realize that you made them look better by just standing beside them. although just hitting on a random girl somewhere if they dont know you at all. its all about the looks, at that point its all you have to go off of.

So i have to say that right now, i'm playing out of my league, how i landed this guy i dont know. but i dont really care.

yeah, you can date "Out of your league".

How big is your wallet? Sad, but for some women, it's important.

Any dude with an ounce of wit, the right amount of alcohol, or a fat wad of cash has a chance. You don't want a gal that'll date you for the latter 2 reasons, but personality goes a long way. Make them laugh, then make them... well... you get the jist.

As for the materialistic thing:
My buddy Bill, was pre-med and his GF loved him. He changed from Pre-Med to nursing, and she dumped him. Then, she found out that nurses make about 80K in CO and got back together with him. How do I know this? Becuase she told me so. (i was friends with her first)

Zack Morris? That's funny! Of all guys to use as a standard of "good looking" you chose him. Kind of dates ya! :lol:

Hell, even Screech got married!
I totally agree with the way you start the whole process. I rarely had any luck picking up a hot girl in a bar or party scene because I too can not dance and didn't have the look. However, put me in a situation where I saw the girl every day and had a chance to let my charms work on her and she was mine! That's what happened with my wife. I have no doubt that if we hadn't worked in the same office and been forced to spend time together I never would've stood a chance with her. And she agrees! Of course she always tells me how good looking I am and that girls do check me out and flirt with me. Maybe she's just trying to make me feel better or maybe it's true, but I don't care!

Ants you're totally right on about standing next to someone and making them look better. However I think it's more like you're making everyone else think that the goofy dude next to you must have something that their hot guy doesn't. That's why I always liked to have cute girl "friends" that I could hang with. By the time the other hotties figured out that I wasn't these girls boyfriend it was too late and I had them in my tractor beam. :)
I never really wanted to go home with the kind of girl that would go home with me from a bar.....

Honestly, I was really bad at the dating/picking up girls thing. I was always a skinny kid (up until about 10 years ago I never weighed over 120 lbs at 5'10"), and was pretty self-conscious about it. But, the longer I was around a girl, any girl be she a total hotty or an ugly duckling, they eventually came around and wanted to go out with me. Out of all the girls I dated, I only asked two out...the rest asked me out. Even Sunshine made the first move and asked me out after we'd worked together for a few months. Know what else? I never said no when a girl asked me out unless I was already seeing someone else, no matter how cute or fugly they may be.

One other thing to remember, guys, and I heard this from many of my really hot female friends: Hot chicks will go out with you average joe's if you'd only ask! Don't be afraid because you think they're out of your league. Hot chicks actually get asked out a lot less because guys think they are too hot to ask out and probably already have a boyfriend because they're so hot....So, next time you think she's out of your league, go ahead and take the leap of faith. What's the worst she could do, say no?

"Life is a choice. If you want something, reach out and grab it before it passes you by."

"You'll never catch any fish if you don't throw your line in the water."

Both from my daddy, both are so true.

Sounds like your trying to hard. Hot girls go for guys who act like their interested, but won't give them the time of day (especially if you drive a Jeep). Don't act like a complete ass, just be yourself and act like you do around your friends. Make em laugh and get them to go wheelin with ya (don't forget some sort of drink). You should be good to go after that depending on how old the chick is. The older the wiser...takes a little more time.
Dang Prairie...you're living a Garth Brooks song. You need to exhibit a little gratitude for what you've got. The grass isn't always greener.
Here's one that always killed me. I too was terrible with the bar chicks...not exactly sporting 6 pack abs or anything...but I could pull my weight (there's a joke in there somewhere). I would sometimes hit dry spells and couldn't get the time of day. Then when I came out of a slump and got a serious GF, the chicks were coming out of the woodwork. What is it that makes girls more interested when they know you are already dating someone?

I'm glad I'm married!! One less thing to worry about.
redrooster said:
...not exactly sporting 6 pack abs or anything...but I could pull my weight (there's a joke in there somewhere).
Who need's a six-pack when you have a keg :D . I know the grass isn't greener.... on the other side, it's dead. I figure I got the only one who could tolerate me :P
woman can smell a girlfriend on you. its like a feramone or something. they figure that if ur good enough for some girl, ur good enough for them. the trick is to have enough "girl" friends that the smell or something rubs off on u. then ur in like flint
I have no trouble getting girls, however my jeep and car's are much more reliable... ;) I think the she's to go myth is just that. My current girl it cute but not a full blown model (which i have had). But she's wonderful none the less ;) been like 3 years, she sometimes worries when i go out with my little sisters (not blood related) but trusts me ;).

Me neigher i have no probs with girls as i have my jeep!!
I just found this funny thread - in know it is an old one but still it made me think of something i found about dating form a student - it made me laught :lol: