Random stuff


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His is how my iPhone looks when charging.


  • image-2722229747.jpg
    117.6 KB · Views: 172

ha ha ha, my wife had an avatar like that but bmw when she was on bimmerforums
yah im jealous, im on 5.1.1 :P i want to jailbreak but i gotta wait for jailbreakme to catch up with apple
You can jailbreak 5.1.1. Go to absinthejailbreak.com . I am also running 5.1.1 and it works great. If you need help just ask and I'll try to do my best.

Oh as far as I know jailbreakme is not going to update anymore because the guy who made it is now working for apple.
Timlt1 said:
Oh as far as I know jailbreakme is not going to update anymore because the guy who made it is now working for apple.

oh yeah i forgot about that... where can i jailbreak 5.1.1 for free without using a computer? i had mine jailbroken on ios4 when i first got it, then i downloaded a theme that diddnt work with a tweak i had and bam! couldent unlock my ipod anymore :P when i pluged it into apple for a restpre it updated and put me on ios5 and i cant find an easy jailbreak for 5.1.1 sence, does the site you refered me to need a computer and do you get charged?
They don't charge you but you do need a computer. If you don't have a computer you can overnight me your iPhone/iPod and I can do it and overnight it back to you. I'm not a thief so you will get your stuff back. Lol

lol thanks for the offer and i trust you , but i have a buddy who offered too, i have an old compaq vista lol not really good for much, but in the end, ots still a computer

so sence this is a random stuff thread


i went into my first adult store a couple days ago lol i just turned 18 in january and hadnt checked that off my list yet lol, so me and a couple of my buddys went in, theres some weird kinky stuff in there, but the store manager was really nice
Those chicks always are. ;)

It must suck working somewhere like that. Getting so desensitized to sexual stuff that they must not have sex anymore