Rearend mabye??


New member

I went out o my jeep today and tried to back out of my parking space when i found that it wouldnt move at all.. no matter how much gas i gave it the back tires would jsut sit there and shake a little shimmy back and forth but they just wouldnt move so when i put it in to 4 wheel drive it started moving but evertime i put it back into 2 wheel drive it dose the same thing, the back tires just sit there and shimmy back and forth and i got no movement.

edited by: cjseven84, Feb 16, 2003 - 06:37 PM[addsig]


teeth in rear DIFF ground down to nothing?...[addsig]

gotta check the output shaft, differential, and axle splines while you have the cover off the diff[addsig]

i know this sounds stupid your braking brake on???? have you checked to see if the drums or disc front rear have locked up?....hope this helps any :-) [addsig]


If you put on your parking brake and there is slush and snow up underneath your body and you wait say 24 hours in below freezing temps. It is possible for your brake to freeze on. You can release the petal and the brake will still be set. Check for slop in the ebrake petal. Try tapping the rear drums with a hammer after you release the brake petal. You will know it if the brake releases at the drum.

Good Luck[addsig]