Recharging the AC


New member
Well I just got my 1999 Grand Cherokee down from NY to South FL and the AC doesnt seem to be blowing as cold as I would have expected. Has anyone recharged their AC. Give me the DL on what it takes. Thanks

RE: help! need to bring life back to my fender flares

my '94 XJ takes 2 pounds of freon, take it to the shop kuz anything you'd buy from a parts store isn't the real stuff, it won't blow as cold and will probably smell funny. make sure they check for leaks first.

Re: RE: help! need to bring life back to my fender flares

piece of cake, buy the kit at any auto store, you have the new system, not freon. Get the kit with the gauge. You unhook the compressor control switch (it is a wire hooked to the canister) and short the leads to turn the compressor on & keep it on. Connect the hose to the fill valve (should be near the firewall) there's only one place it can hook to and follow the instructions that came with the kit on how to fill. It is easy, took me about 15 min to recharge my 96 GC.

some of the kits have a small can of about 6 ozs of freon with a locking style filler valve right on the can for a quick add-in.
They do work, but you don't want to over-charge. Make sure something else isn't causing the lackluster ac first.
Check the fan clutch, make sure it is hooking up when hot and do a quick check for air leaks under the dash.

Look at the hose ends in the system, if you see oily residue around the connectors, that is oil from the freon and a little can be just fine and not be a big leak. Some of the recharge kits have freon with seal conditioner which is good.
There is a can of ac tune up from BG products that is an excellent product.
you might look for a BG dealer and ask for a quote to install a can of that.
It has a conditoner for seals, some freon, and special lubricants for older worn compressors to help them last, and other additives that they guarantee to lower the AC temps

PM me if interested and I can tell you more.

You know what...I have been driving the jeep daily for the past 2 weeks and the AC seems to be working a ton better. Right now I am not going to mess around with it. but thanks for all the suggestions. I may have to come back to it.
judge09 said:
You know what...I have been driving the jeep daily for the past 2 weeks and the AC seems to be working a ton better. Right now I am not going to mess around with it. but thanks for all the suggestions. I may have to come back to it.

Wise choice...if it's doing ok, leave it be