Runs great then after a block wants to stall

I have changed the IAC. TPS. IAT. MAP. sensers im going out of my mind. Never new that a jeep would be this complicated with sensers! Any help would be appropriated

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Hopefully you used OEM sensors. Personally id change them back considering no effect. I wouldnt want to add a new symptom and cause from swapping parts.

Based on what on what you changed so far I'd look at the fuel pump temp sending unit and for vacuum leaks.
How long do you idle? What rpm does it idle at? What temp is the engine at when this happens?

Are you overheating at all? If so i'd consider burping the system. A few air bubbles at the temp sending unit can cause erratic idle.

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The idle holds great. When i start it and drive abiut a block or 2. Then it seems to starve for fuel idle drops wants to die. When that happens i put it in nuetral rev it past 2000rpms problem goes away. Yes OEM parts,,no it doesnt over heat.

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I buy from dealer or look in product description. For example rock auto lists it as original OEM.

What value do you idle at? Good is not a value. Good could be 500 to 3000.
Are you throwing any codes?
What temp is the engine at when this happens?

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Just got it back from garage. This is what came up with no check engine light coming on.

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So you happen to have a code for every sensor you changed.

First have your battery and alternator checked. Places like AZ and oreilly's do it for free. Second inspect ground and power wiring. Repkace any corroded wires. Clean to a bright shine all power and ground connections. Battery terminals and connectors.
Reset all connections to the sensors.
Clear your codes and reset your PCM and see if any codes return.
Report back

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What do u mean by reset connections to senser
How to clear all codes and reset PCM

From what i read disconnect bat terminals tywrap together disconnect leads to PCM let sit 8hrs or over night reconnect PCM THEN BATTERY?

This wrangler was my youngest sons it mean alot this needs to be the last vehicle i own
Thanx for any help

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Reset the connections-takw them apart verify the contacts and connector is clean and be sure the plug or snap together nicely.

Simple clearing codes you disconnect the battery and turn the key to start to bleed the charge out.

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Who has tryed this????????
This very simple procedure will Erase the “Adaptive Memory” stored inside the TJ PCM and allow a new “Adaptive Memory” to be developed. After performing this procedure the PCM will re-learn and store into Adaptive Memory your engines performance characteristics. Please perform these steps exactly as they are written, in the order they are written. This will cause the adaptive memory in the PCM to be erased and cause the PCM to go into Fast Learn Mode adaptive mode. Disconnect the POSITIVE battery Terminal and touch it to ground for 30 seconds. (This is to discharge the PCM capacitors, which maintain the Adaptive Memory. Reconnect the Battery Cable Turn Ignition Switch to the “On” position but DO NOT start the engine Turn Headlight “On” Turn Headlights “Off” Turn Ignition Key “Off” The PCM Adaptive memory has now been flashed, or erased from the PCM. When you start the engine it will be running off a set of pre-programmed tables that come with the PCM from the factory. When you get the engine up to operating temperature the PCM will start to collect data for the “Adaptive Memory”. The PCM will collect data for Adaptive Memory for the first 50 Warm-up Cycles. Warm-up Cycle A warm-up cycle happens when all of the following conditions exist.

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1. Disconnect the POSITIVE battery Terminal and touch it to ground for 30 seconds. (This is to discharge the PCM capacitors, which maintain the Adaptive Memory. 2. Reconnect the Battery Cable 3. Turn Ignition Switch to the "ON" position but DO NOT start the engine 4. Turn Headlight "ON" 5. Turn Headlights "OFF" 6. Turn Ignition Key "OFF" The PCM Adaptive memory has now been flashed, or erased from the PCM.

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