Shackle lift vs Suspension lift


New member
I had read on here somewhere that shackle lift would give you about 1" of lift for every 2" of shackle. I had 6" of shackle and was able to run 33" tires. With this in mind and following minimum lift for running 33"s, I thought a 4" lift wouldn't raise my lift much more than an inch. I was totally surprised after installing the kit at how high my Jeep sits. With the shackles my front bumper height was 19 1/2", now it sits closer to 26 1/2". Now I know I had worn springs and shocks, but I don't know what info is an error. You have to have 4" lift for 33s or every two inches of shackle = 1" of lift? It is what it is now and looks and drives much better but for the next guy out there, I hope this can help.


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I'm not completely certain as to what your getting at? But there is a difference between longer shackles and a true suspension lift (4" for you right?).

Consider that a shackle only lifts the frame by about half of its overall length because your spring is still anchored or pivoting at the fixed point whether its the rear or front end of the spring. A suspension lift raises the frame equally off the axles (ideally) because the spring is arched up on both ends. You'll get also 5" or so overall from your new springs and stock length shackles. Plus take into consideration that your old springs were worn out as you said.

As for the better handling, I would guess that the majority of that comes from the increase (positive angle) of your caster returning closer to its stock position after the removal of the shackles. Also the shorter shackles are more stable in the left to right movement during driving.

Just something to consider...... Nice work on your Jeep, I enjoyed the photos in the other post!
My assumption was that I was pushing my frame up about 3" by lowering the front of the spring with the shackles. I didn't think about it anyway except that way. So I was surprised when the lift kit raised my overall bumper height by 6-7 inches. I guess my new question is if a 4" lift raised my Jeep 6-7", how was I able to run 33s on just the shackle lift? Is the 4" overkill? Would a smaller lift have worked? I'm not as young or lean as I used to be! I'm definitely going to fab some step/nerf bars to get in a little easier!

I dont know if its overkill??? Consider that the way your rig was setup w/ the crazy long shackles and what looks like an inverted arched (flattened)leaf springs, your handling/safety would be suffering. I'm willing to bet that your steering was pretty wonky before the new springs. Plus with the 4" springs, you wont have tire rub during tight turns.

IMHO, I think your Jeep looks great!
Steering was definitely terrible! Could barely hold it between the ditches at 30+ mph. Forget about between the lines! That's how he earned the name "Luke the Drifter". I am much happier with the new springs and shocks. I'm only not happy with how high it sits now. If a smaller kit would have run my size tires/wheels, I would have gone that route. Thanks for the compliment. My first project vehicle ever. Still learning how everything works, ya know?
Your lift will settle over time. If you drive it frequently, You'll see a diference soon. Drive it over some rough terrain and flex the springs some and i bet it will settle soon.

The springs will settle down to around 4" shortly, as said above you can flex the springs and that will help break them in. I would park mine over night with the suspension flexed, then flex it the other direction the next night. This did help them break in. A 2 1/2" lift would have worked with 33" tires, but you would have had rubbing on the fenders when the suspension was flexed (my 4" would slightly rub the fender flare completely flexed). If you have 8" rims (which it looks like in your pics) with 33 x 12.50 tire, you will rub the front springs behind the tire when you make sharp turns, with a 10" rim this is not a issue.
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