Shaking trans & transfer case


New member

I have the worst problem on long hill climbs with my trans and transfer case shaking. It shakes so hard that the shift linkage hits against the floorboard. Has anyone else suffered from this and will poly. enging and trans. mounts help? :-?
This is on a 97 TJ.

edited by: rockwrangler, May 14, 2003 - 11:35 AM[addsig]


I havn't had that yet ('99) but it does sound like the mounts. Crawl under and see "what's shakin baby" lol.

Rob :-P 8-) :-) [addsig]

Remeber the transmission, the transfer and the motor are pretty much one chunk. Probably worn out, broke or sloppy motor or transfer mounts. In most of the newer model Jeeps there is a torsion damper, mounted along side of the main transfer mount.
Could even be a snapped bolt or pedistal (on the transfer). Prying around with a piece of 2 X 4, can help identify the problem spot.[addsig]

go ahead and strap the transmission to the frame... i've heard a lot of success from that[addsig]


If I strap the trans to the frame how will it allow the engine to move?
Wont that put an extreme amount of stress on the bell housing?[addsig]