shock boots?


New member

4" skyjacker , tires and wheels came in today . going to pick them up friday. shock boots . are they worth the money? opinions question. how much play or left right roll should be the rear driveline. felt like about a 1/4 inch, is that about right. thanks..........odax 8-) [addsig]


Hmm my shocks came with the boots and I like em. They look cool plus they help keep all the crude and water out of your shocks. As far as like turning the rear driveshaft my YJ has about the same 1/4 inch play...any side to side play could mean trouble. Remove the rear driveshaft from the pinion (dont let the slip yoke fall out of the tcase or you will have a surprise ATF shower hehe) and try to move the yoke around...there should be little or no play in it...being able to turn it a little is ok though.[addsig]

I dont like shock boots.. yeah they keep mud and crud out.... but not all of it.. and the stuff that gets in, has that much trouble getting out... so all that stuff that gets in there... stays in there to ruin your piston... I think that the seals in the shock itself are more than suitable to keep the shock in working order... plus... if the piston is exposed... everything can fall off... and its easier to wash[addsig]

I agree with Snitty seems that it is easyer to keep em clean with out em. Although they do look cool in a bright color on there. If I had shocks that came with em i would most likely use em for a while untill they started to get all loose and falling off then cut em off.... But I would not go out and buy em if they were not part of the package. Tug[addsig]


ok, you guys have come through again . while i do care how my jeep looks , more interested in how it works. the old saying "CHROME DONT GET YOU HOME". i think i will pass on the shockboots. rayovac, if i understand correctly , its ok for a little play in the rollling of the shaft there should be do side to side play? thanks guys.......odax 8-) [addsig]

hey wow i don't feel so ashamed of not putting out the extra money for shock boots now! :)[addsig]

My previous set of shocks, I kept them 'without' the boots...I replaced the shocks last July and put the boots on this time. They came with and I decided that it I didn't like them...cut 'em off!! Still sportin' the boots as we speak...personal preference I guess. Patti :-) [addsig]


I have to agree that shock boots are not a good idea- they hold in mud and water that would usually just come off if there wasn't a boot there. While they look good- good looks can't always get you home.. (but sometimes it helps.... :-D ;-) )[addsig]

Laws have Mercy if you need good looks to get you home, I would need to kiss my wife good bye like I may never see her again every time I leave the house. Tug[addsig]