Site Map Pull Down Blues


New member
Site map pull down just below the header upper right hand corner is a real pain in my rear.

Seems if I run my pointer over it after hitting my back button it freezes up my computer. Have to ctrl alt delete then end task to proceed. Anyone else haveing this problem or is it just me? tug

It doesn't freeze my computer up but it does annoy its operator! I wonder if anyone actually uses it.
Yeah I know what you mean tug, it used to do that to my computer as well. I freed up some resources on my computer and it works fine now. I don't use it, and when it does come up... yearg.
What site map drop-down menu?

I don't see one... or maybe it just doesn't work in my browser. :?

-Nick :!:

XJNick said:
What site map drop-down menu?

I don't see one... or maybe it just doesn't work in my browser. :?

-Nick :!:

What browzer are you using? It's there when I use IE but I mostly use Mozilla and it's at the very top left of the page just under '".
I don't see that anymore, but I remember what you're talking about. It's annoying because it would stay down even after the cursor was moved elsewhere, until you clicked on something else. It wouldn't be so bad if it'd go back up after the cursor was moved.

Tug, sounds like your system is bogged down by too many open programs or something, not enough free memory causes it to lock up when that drops down. Does it do it any other time?

Do you still see it there?

I haven't seen it since before the Xmas motif.

My primary browser is Mozilla FireFox (formerly Firebird) in both Windows and Linux.

As Bounty said, I haven't seen it since x-mas theme was removed...

When I USED to see the pull-down menu, it was a JAVA applet, so TUG, it could be that your installation of the JAVA VM (Virtual Machine) is corrupt... Try downloading the latest version from . If that doesn't work, try a Mozilla Based browser such as FireFox from and see if that works. Besides, Internet Explorer is inferior anyways :P

Also check and see what "theme" you've got selected in the profile settings. Mine is set to "subsilver"...

Anyways, I still ask: What drop-down menu? :mrgreen:
-Nick :!: