Slip Yoke


New member
ok I am prolly going to need something to help the rear drive shaft out when i put on the 1.5" rear shackles to level out the already 5.5" lift on the front.
I have been looking for something a little cheaper than the SYE kit with a new drive shaft, while that might be the best route to go, I know for a fact that right now with 4.5" of true lift in the rear and a 1" trans case drop, at full flex in the rear I dont have to worry about the drive shaft poping out. and if there are any vibrations i am not able to notice them that much.
I ahve been looking at the RE1822 Slip Yoke Long XJ NP231 but one big concern i have is will it actually fit my jeep? damn right inbetweens!! my XJ is a 96' and im not sure if this peice will fit up to the 96's then lower or 95' then lowers.

btw im sure that a 5/8" extension will be more than adiquete for my needs, but if it wont fit than im kinda sol and will prolly have some porbs with the drive shaft.
also my front d.s. is fine with 5.5" of lift on the front at full flex with the sways connected. I dont think it will stay in place though when i disco them but well see!! LOL.

General brake question

Jeep changed the TC output in '97 on the XJ, and from what I've seen you may be fine where you're at now. There were many more concerns for '97+ XJ's.
that is what i thought about the changing in 97 but wanted a little confrimation that the peice would in fact work as thought.
and do you think that by going from 4.5" in the rear to 6" (1.5" shackels) I would still be ok with the stock ds? I do know that with the shackels it will help out the pinion angle but what about the length of the ds? LOL
I am going with a 6" in the rear cause of the 150lbs. sub woofer box (dead body) LOL that takes up the whole rear. I can notice about a 1/2" difference when i take it out so that would put me close to 5.5" if not a hair more and level her out with the front. also help clear the 33"s
Just watch the slipyoke after the lift and determine how much of the splines are engaged. Keep in mind that the slipyoke remains pretty much static irregardless of axle articulation, the pinion stays pretty level regardless of the ends of the axle moving up and down. Where you have to be concerned is when the entire axle droops or compresses, I blew a slipyoke out like that during a competition.

The issues with 6" of lift on the rear of an XJ are pinion angle and driveshaft length. The shackles (in addition to your existing transfer case lowering kit) will help with the angle. It's tough to guess, but 6" might be a stretch for the driveshaft.

If it is too short you can try the longer slip yoke if the driveshaft angle is not bad.

One other option is the skyjacker transfer case drop. It is a 1.5" drop. While some feel that is too much loss of ground clearance, I use it and don't see 1/2" being a big deal. Most everything I read told me I would need an SYE for 4.5" of lift on my 2000 XJ and it has zero vibes or problems on or off road. (1.5" of that lift is via shackles though and that may help). That or you could make your own.

PS: don't forget to make sure the brake lines and shocks are long enough :wink:
OK so no one has actuall gone up that high with a stock drive shaft!! LOL guess ill have to be the frist and see what happens!! LOL
from my understanding the reasons behind the sye kits are to put in a stronger (prolly lighter) d.s. and also get rid of all vibes. which i dont have much of now.
I know that with the shackel lift in the rear it will point the rear diff up a little more towards the trans case , but in addition theroticly should also lengthen the drive shaft. I think that with the shackels it would help any vibes that i do have by reducing the angles and stress already put on the yokes. but again just not sure if the foward yoke peice would be long enough to stay on the shaft? LOL (trail and error i guess)
as for longer brake lines well those would go on first of course!! LOL 4.5" of lift in the rear and full articulation is about all you really can do without breaking them!! LOL as you have prolly seen in the other post, they are pretty tight as it is. not going to give those stockers a chance to snap with another 1.5" lift onthere!!!
I am going to get the RE 1550 and 1513. 22" in the front and 18" for the rear. it is what their extreme duty 5.5" lifts come with so i figure they should be plenty long enough.
Sputtering / fixed

People have done it. If you were to do a search on NAXJA's forum, you'll see plenty of discussion on it.

Someone upstairs has a strange sense of humor

OK so no one has actuall gone up that high with a stock drive shaft!! LOL guess ill have to be the frist and see what happens!! LOL................

Gotta love a pioneer!! :lol:

After I made my Cherokee an EV, I had problems with my rear drive shaft being a tad too short and the u-joint angles a bit too extreme. This was due to my 3" lift kit and also that the geometry between my slip yoke and the differentials changed some.

To combat this, I first got 2 degree shims ( $19.15 ) and installed them between the axle and leaf springs. The next thing I did was have my rear driveshaft lengthened at a local driveshaft specialty shop ( $100 ). I didn't do anything to the front driveshaft because it was ok still. So I fixed my problem for roughly 1/3 the cost of a SYE kit. Don't know if doing something like this will help with a lift as large as you are talking about, though.

-Nick :!: