So I'm addicted to energy drinks...


Staff member
Well, addicted may be a bit harsh, but I certainly do enjoy my morning Monster (I like the Lo Carb blue can)- I'm pretty much in a fog until about 15 minutes after. My wife pointed out with a bit of horror a new FDA probe into 5 deaths that have been linked to Monster Energy Drinks.

Anyone else here on the sauce?

HAGERSTOWN, Md. (AP) — The highly caffeinated Monster Energy Drink has been cited in five deaths and one non-fatal heart attack, according to reports the Food and Drug Administration is investigating.

The reports claim that people had adverse reactions after they consumed Monster Energy Drink, which comes in 24-ounce cans and contains 240 milligrams of caffeine, or seven times the amount of the caffeine in a 12-ounce cola.


News of the FDA's investigation follows a filing last week of a wrongful death suit in Riverside, Calif., by the parents of a 14-year-old girl who died after drinking two, 24-ounce Monster Energy Drinks in 24 hours.

An autopsy concluded that she died of cardiac arrhythmia due to caffeine toxicity and the medical examiner also found that she had an inherited disorder that can weaken blood vessels.

But the child's parents claim Monster failed to warn about the risks of drinking its products."As with any reports of a death or injury the agency receives, we take them very seriously and investigate diligently," Shelly Burgess, a FDA spokeswoman, said in a statement.

And the FDA isn't the only regulator scrutinizing the safety of the drinks. The FDA caps the amount of caffeine in soda to 0.02%, but there is no such limit for energy drinks.In August, New York state Attorney General Eric Schneiderman issued subpoenas to energy drink makers, including Monster, as part of the state's investigation of the industry.

you can read more here
FDA probes reports of deaths linked to energy drinks

Yeah, I read that the other day. Pretty shocking stuff. I stick to the light stuff - Mt Dew. :D
Have you seen the size of the some of the Monster cans? Wow.

I used to be on the Dew pretty bad but kicked the habit as the high acidity in soda was harming the enamel on my teeth. Now I enjoy a Monster occasionally, the ProTean that has about 15g of protein.

I tried them for a while as an afternoon boost when I was working 12hr shifts. I liked the kick but then after it was gone I'd really run outta gas. I went back to coffiee which I drink more of than ever. All the caffine prob isn't good for me I know but I have quit soft drinks for almost 6months now. I see an empty monster E can in my sons truck pretty often but he is going to school full time and working a full time job so I do understand, he's prob having a tough time.

Terry lay 'em down if ya can.
I used to live on redbull and monster when I was working two jobs I never really had any ill efects but I stuck with the lo carb stuff.

I'll have to quit drinking monster now that the wife has literal proof that it could kill me. I'm really just a creature of habit, so as long as I stick with a routine then I'm good.

I think I may have found my replacement:


While I can't imagine going to Taco Bell for breakfast, I've mixed these up at home and it's absolutely delicious. I use diet dew though, you know.... for bikini season.
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While I can't imagine going to Taco Bell for breakfast, I've mixed these up at home and it's absolutely delicious. I use diet dew though, you know.... for bikini season.

Go ahead and enjoy it Terry, you wont have to worry about your figure for a while. Till February anyhow. What size do ya wear? got a few laying around here that was left behind by some guests. Be happy to send them to ya. Oh heck they be bras,sorry got confused. But if ya want them let me know.:-)
Mtn Dew & OJ, sounds like something that might end up with vodka added to it. Lol
I got sick on vodka and OJ many years ago, it was a long time before I could even look at an orange.

Drank vodka and whiskey many years ago myself, only result was pi$$ing a lot of people off, jail time,makeing myself look like a jerk, did things I would never even think of while sober or just drinking beer. Haveing small flashbacks of some of the stupid ,insane things I did while under the influnce of that crap as I write this. Hey ya'll be cool with it. IF IT HANDLES YOU, INSTEAD OF YOU HANDLEING IT. DROP IT LIKE A HOT POTATOE. Misery in a bottle. That's all folks!