So where does this part go?


New member
So I am looking at my engine getting ready to put on the Air Intake and TBS that just showed up on my front porch, and am stumped. Everything sounds so simple. I should have known.

The Throttle body spacer comes with 3 linkage spacers. I j\have searced everywhere, and as far as I can tell, I only have spots for 2 of them. The instructions that Rusty's sent out along with it says to install the 3 linkage spacers with 2 bolts. Anyopne else had this issue? I have a 2000 XJ I6 by the way if that helps any.

Seriously, does everything I do have to end up complicated? But I guess that's part of the fun in the long run...
I definitely have cruise, but there's only space for 2. I am going to go with the only needing 2 thing. Remember, if you ignore it, it'll most likely go away.