Squeeeeek on steering-wheel turn


New member
Actually it sounds like a duck more than a "squeek", but it goes away when it warms up...like two rubber pieces rubbing against each other.

I've tried spraying some silicone where the wheel turns, but no help. With the hood up, it seems to be coming from the firewall near the steering, but maybe that's just sound traveling through.

Is this a common thing that someone else knows about, and knows where to get some lube in? It's not a big deal, but quite annoying :roll:

Try installing the Lube on the Steering shaft going thru the firewall. there should be a rubber seal/ dust boot on that firewall.
kis86, I had the same issue when it things were cold. I put a couple of shots of WD-40 on/at the universal joint (rubber bushings) in the steering column .....no issue this winter.