Brian Z
New member
I'm not trying to be rude, but I'm beginning to think my yj has a monthly problem. I pulled up to a red light today and just like I turned the ignition key off, she quit. :shock: Really?? here, now?? thank goodness it was early enough and there was no one else around really. turned the key off, gave it a sec, then turned it. nothing. then gave it a second to think about it, repeat, then it started. went where I had to go, left it running. driving home, hitting some pot holes and bumps, she acted like it was going to do it again for a split sec, then kept right on going, made it home. Its happened before but seriously about every month or so for what reason? It used to happen A LOT! then just wouldn't start one day. called wifey she came got me and went to the parts store and got a coil. put it on, beautiful! no issues. now all of the sudden its starting again. One thing I do know, it takes a while to start. not just turn key, start go, but turn key and let it roll over a bit then , well, ok, ill start put - put vroom. then no issues. I was thinking fuel pump, like every one else here, but why would it quit so quick when it does. I'm thinking electrical. but I'm not sure where to start.
Now there are 2 wires that plug into the coil that have been taped. could they be giving me the issue? I kinda don't wanna retape them or take them apart yet, fear I'll screw something up. I know it may need to go to a shop, but I want to start here with you all first! Any ideas will be tried to day for it is my day to mess with it. kids and wife are at the water park, so its me and YJ today.
thanks in advance.
Now there are 2 wires that plug into the coil that have been taped. could they be giving me the issue? I kinda don't wanna retape them or take them apart yet, fear I'll screw something up. I know it may need to go to a shop, but I want to start here with you all first! Any ideas will be tried to day for it is my day to mess with it. kids and wife are at the water park, so its me and YJ today.
thanks in advance.