Stalling out


New member
Gotta 84 cj7 drives beautiful but when it's time to turn, I clutch then she revs real high then stalls she starts right back up. It's like I have to keep my foot on the gas to keep her going . I put carb cleaner through it and still keeps stalling out. Anyone got any suggestions what could be wrong

I would recommend checking the idle screw on it. sounds like it could be the engine speed dropping too low on idle.

I just went through the same thing with my 85 CJ7. Turns out there was a bend valve in the carb. Instead of jacking around with ripping the carb apart, I purchased a remanufactured carb. The original carb that was removed will be a tinkered with when the snow starts to fly.
Not sure if that helps, but that's my personal experience. I know its frustrating, but stick with it :)
No issues after the carb was swapped. I drive the CJ on a daily basis (except for days that rain is in the forcast).....