Starting problems


New member
I have an 05 wrangler with a manual that will only start when it feels like it. When I turn the key it either starts or nothing happens.
I’m thinking it’s the clutch safety switch but I’m unsure how to test this idea. Or some other sensor.
I have a one year old yellow top battery, new starter and good connections, I have also changed the starter relay. Also the problem is worse on cooler mornings. It started doing this the end of last winter and I took it to the dealer and it started fine for them so they told me nothing was wrong. As it got into summer I didn’t have the problem much but now that it turning cooler again its acting up worse then ever.

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The clutch pedal switch would be a good place to start. Check it with a multimeter set on the continuity test mode. Test it multiple times. Another thing you could check is the ignition circuit on the ignition switch. Does the dash lamp or the radio display dim out when you turn the ignition to start when the issue is evident?
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The clutch pedal switch would be a good place to start. Check it with a multimeter set on the continuity test mode. Test it multiple times. Another thing you could check is the ignition circuit on the ignition switch. Does the dash lamp or the radio display dim out when you turn the ignition to start when the issue is evident?

The radio and all lights look normal.

Is there a way to bypass the safety switch and then see if it starts up everytime? I do have a multimeter tester but i'm not sure how to test it. Do I test the switch or the power going to the switch?

Thanks for the help