Step-dads old jeep

Rod Kandel

New member
Hello everyone, been a jeep fan for years but never owned one. I always used to borrow my step-dads 1979 CJ-7. It is old and far from perfect but it is all that a jeep is supposed to be. Felt nice cruising around with the top down and being able to go about anywhere you wanna go. And having fun trying if you can't. Guess he got tired of me borrowing it and he does also have a YJ so the CJ wasn't getting as much attention as in the past. So lastweek he called and asked if I wanted to buy it. Of course I said yes. So I am the proud owner of a 1979 CJ-7 with a soft top, 258 6 cylinder, a 3 speed manual transmission and 31 inch buckshot tires on old alumium slot rims. It is a work in progress but still pretty sweet :)
clydethepirate said:
Welcome to the site.
I love the old CJ's.......I own a yj and love it as well.

Thanks Clyde.. I like yj's the best.. just like that they got the square headlight and makes them alittle different looking but I will never knock a CJ either.. and my 79 is pretty awesome.. definitely gonna be fun to fix it up and make new again and make it my own.. and definitely fun to drive in the mean time

Welcome to the site and congrads on the CJ. I've got a '79 CJ-5 thats a work in progress and I really love it. I think those old slots give a cool retro look to jeeps. Good luck with it.
flatie46 said:
Welcome to the site and congrads on the CJ. I've got a '79 CJ-5 thats a work in progress and I really love it. I think those old slots give a cool retro look to jeeps. Good luck with it.

Thanks Flatie.. good to be here.. I like the old CJ-5's.. I think they look neat how short they are.. yeah.. mine is gonna be a rolling restore I think as I can't see putting her down for accouple years to restore it. What would be the fun in thanks buddy and good luck to you and yours too
Welcome to the site. I'm looking for a CJ myself. I love the old bare bones dash in those things.

1ATony said:
Welcome to the site. I'm looking for a CJ myself. I love the old bare bones dash in those things.

Thanks Atony.. I got one.. it's pretty bare.. no dash pad.. my step dad had trouble with the wipers so he took the wiper motor out of it's cover, bolted it back up, cut the wires and put a toggle switch on it.. and then there was a rust hole on the dash and he reamed it out and put a cigarette lighter in it.. Yeah.. master mechanic he is I'll get her looking better some day thou

Sent from my Ally using Jeepz
More pics of my CJ :)

Sent from my Ally using Jeepz


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ronnieb said:
now that's raw. love it.

Lol.. thanks.. I am slowly but surely getting her cleaned up and everything working again.. could be awhile thou :)

Sent from my Ally using Jeepz
Awesome project! You are going to have. Blast with it.
Start small, and work from there, just remember: everything you fix/repair will show you something else that needs done. :-) have lots of fun!
Icelia said:
Awesome project! You are going to have. Blast with it.
Start small, and work from there, just remember: everything you fix/repair will show you something else that needs done. :-) have lots of fun!

Yeah.. I already am having a blast.. just trying to get everything working again and de-cob jobbing all the stuff everyone rigged up over the years.. little things like getting the dash lights working and I wired the wipes back up so that actually work with the factory switch and have more than one speed.. I has complaints from the miss about the hillbilly camo paint job so I had alittle fun and spray bombed it black.. looks prety nice for spray bomb

Rod Kandel said:
Yeah.. I already am having a blast.. just trying to get everything working again and de-cob jobbing all the stuff everyone rigged up over the years.. little things like getting the dash lights working and I wired the wipes back up so that actually work with the factory switch and have more than one speed.. I has complaints from the miss about the hillbilly camo paint job so I had alittle fun and spray bombed it black.. looks prety nice for spray bomb

Welcome to the Z and the Jeep family. A lot of knowledgeable people here. And more than willing to help. I'm in the process of cleaning up a 77 CJ7 I picked up last year. It's also my daily driver do I can't tear it down for more than a couple days either. Good luck with yours.