Stop the "nonwavers"!


New member

Alright guys,
I was thinking. If one of the fellow Jeapers on this site had some writting ability, mabey he could type up a little paper on the Jeep wave and why we do it. That way when we wave to a fellow Jeep and they don't return the favor, we can just fun um down and give them the paper. In theory it would help spread the word about the wave, and hopefully convince some nonwavers to wave. Anyone here a writter? We atleast need some one that could try to persuade them to wave. Help me out here guys, it is for the good of all Jeapers.



Maybe we could just keep on waving and maybe they will get the hint!!! I've noticed that a few people have not waved back at me when I wave but I wave regardless. Keep on waving!
:-D :lol: :-D [addsig]

Hmmm, I like Tugs way of putting things, he should be the one to write it (as long as someone spell checks it lol) Just joking Tug...we luvs ya here

Rob :-P 8-) :-) [addsig]

your gonna need a fundraiser to get the $$ for enough paper to give one to all the non waving jeepers around here lol, ive given up hope for most of them.[addsig]


That sounds good and all but that's a lot of work. That should be in the owner's book that all jeeps come with. But really the jeep wave is a unwritten law.

Jeeps are built not bought. :evil: [addsig]

Around near me about a good percentage of the nonwavers are made up by people that bought a jeep because there going through a midlife crisis the other half are women on cell phones.[addsig]

Sorry tug I couldn't afford the paper
keep wavin' but jeepers in the town think I'm soom kind of loon, they may be right but thats a different story, any how I'll keep trying one day someone will wave back someday.............


Maybe there should be a section in the owners manual. lmao[addsig]

I thought this was a board for tech questions. enough with the jeep wave. Its not very technical. In fact here's the answer to all your problems: wave if you want to or flip everyone the finger, it doesn't matter[addsig]

Enough with the jeep wave! Who cares! I'll wave to a good looking girl if she is in a jeep or a gremlin, but I'll be damned if I'm going to wave to some guy driving a Jeep! :lol: [addsig]


oof. two posts in a row prior to this one of people bashing the jeep wave... hmm... what should the consequences be? :-)

anyways... generally, if i wave to a jeeper long enough, they'll start waving back...[addsig]

I cannot believe that someone would say that the jeep wave is insignificant, the jeep wave is an amazing thing. I never see two morons driving in ford explorers wave to eachother. It just doesn't happen, the jeep wave is something special and should be respected.[addsig]

that is the most insane, stupid, and gay thing I have ever heard. "the jeep wave should be respected"
Give me a break!
I love my jeep, but all this talk about the jeep wave is killing me. Not all jeepers are the same. I have a jeep with a 4 inch lift, 33 inch tires, and to winch my self out of a jam I carry a 3 ton come-along hand winch. I drive my jeep in places that other jeepers would think is crazy. There are jeeps that are alot more stock than mine, and there are others that make my jeep look like a play toy. So why should I wave to some guy driving a stock jeep? apparantly his taste in jeeps varies alot from mine so I probably don't have much in common with him. And i don't get upset when some awesome offroad monster of a jeep doesn't wave to me.
I could care less if another jeep waves to me or not.[addsig]