stripped? Defrost/AC knob?


New member
Hey fellow Jeepers.. I have an 2000 Sahara and I noticed this afternoon that the little control knob that you can choose defrost, ac, etc. is stripped. It turns around but it won't "click" in any spot. I am stuck with air blowing in my face and what's up with that?? This isn't some old junker for God's sake... or is it? What happens tomorrow when I get up at 5 am for work and need to defrost my windshield?? Anyone have this happen and can I do anything to fix it ... or am I heading to the dealership?? Keep in mind I am a female. :rolleyes:

I wished I could be there and look at it, but what I hope happened is just that the plastic part fo the knob broke on the inside and not the control stem itself.
You gotta quit being so ruff on that thing. First the flood now this:lol: :lol: :lol:
those stupid d knobes break easy on all cars after som nay years. It should pop off and you can turn the dial with needle nose pliars until you replace it. They shouldn't be too expensive from the stealership or call around junkyards to see if they have one. I pad $5 for a console lid that only needs a little TLC. God knows what Jeep would want.
Thank you for that advice. I did figure out, okay .. my husband did... that if you press it in real hard while turning... you can get it to work. Okay, at 5am when I am freezing my butt off... and I push that thing in and it won't turn to defroster, I am gonna wake the dead!! He said he will go out hunting a new knob for me somewhere. Thanks much. :-)

OH NO, you remembered the flood.. I thought if I laid low for a few months.. that ugly chapter would have been forgotten... *!$#@!!! HA! Was dry as a bone ever since, knock wood. :purple:
OH NO, you remembered the flood.. I thought if I laid low for a few months.. that ugly chapter would have been forgotten... *!$#@!!! HA! Was dry as a bone ever since, knock wood. :purple:

oh no! We here at Jeepz (at least the dark side) always remember your weak points and bring them up at the most inappropriate times.!:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: