Stripped spark plug hole


Active member

Last saturday was doing a tune up on 'BB' and wouldn't ya know it? The first plug I replaced on No. 2 would not thread back in.

Got a new plug hole chaser from CarQuest and tried threading it in. Knowing how difficult threading in a plug blind(those of you with V8's know what I mean)... Nothing! Couln't even get it started! :x:x

The summer sun (all two weeks of it in Oregon) was beatin' down on me and I got so piassed I gave up and pushed it to a shop (I'm friends with the owner) Luckily, they got it threaded this week when they had time. SO damm frustrating this was. Thanks for putting up with my vent all!
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I've never heard of a plug hold chaser. Is that an insert that's threaded on both sides?

sounds like a helicoil or a thread cleaning tap
Hi folks,
I just want to apologise for my rant and the altered words I used. Normally I'm much more judicious with what I post. Indeed the situation was very frustrating but my posting of a rant and rave was uncalled for. If I offended anyone, I do sincerely apologise.
All the best.

Gus (the normally careful former Marine) ;)
A spark plug chaser is like a dedicated tapered tap some are two sided for two sizes of spark plug holes others are one sized. In this case it ws a virgin hole, no helicoil in place, luckily the shop has... not a little person but a smaller guy with small hands and he was able to thread the chaser with no problem.
I'm kinda trepidatious about changing the other plugs on the starboard side, perhaps I'll carve a window into the inner fender so I can get easier access.
really, are there people that are that super sensitive?
Well, :redface: I knew by the rules of the forum not to use any of the colorful metaphors I learned in the Marine Corps, I was just empassioned at the moment I let fly with a deluge of altered and removed text by the forum keeper in keeping with the rules.


Le chasseur trou de la bougie