
New member
I am Looking for a few things and figured I should look here before I start roaming through ebay. I am looking for the following:

1. TJ or YJ rear Bumper(I have bumperettes now)

2. 40 Channel CB w or w/o antenna.

3. TJ flares

4. Center Console (something that fits a 95YJ)

If no console, anybody have an old ammo case, that I can make into a console?

CB is ez just check your local pawn shop, truck stop, or CB shop most all have good used units. Or radio shack if nothing else helps. As for the Ammo Can check eBay or local yellow pages for a Army Surplus store. Good luck hunting them parts tug
You can get ammo cans cheap at . check them out.....that's where I buy all of mine.

I got a 6 watt CB at Radio Shack for under $50. You can find better ones that have more options such as instant NOAA weather radio (which I should have done so I don't have to lug my home unit with me on storm chases). Mine has the instant Ch 9/19 switch, too. Works great, is compact enough to actually fit inside the slot for the ashtray (though I mounted it below that), and a piece of cake to install.

I have a factory console in mint shape with the mounting hardware out of a 04 YJ.

Some kid on here said he would buy it so I packaged it up for him and all, then he never sent me money.

All yours for the steap price of $25 (oh but the key is not included)

and is dark gray in color, and even still has the rubber cup isolator that alwasy seams to be missing.

I've got an email headed my brother's way. He's an electronics whiz. White pointed out that the spec sheet shows max 4 watts carrier, without modulation. I'm thinking that combined with modulation, the max is 6 watts. Anyway, my brother will know for sure, but everyone I've ever talked to in over 20 years of owning a CB says that 6 watts is the highest (legal) output. Of course, you can throw a linear in the mix and top out over 300 long as the FCC doesn't find you!