Sudden loss of power, no RPM drop


New member

My Jeep has second long losses of power as if I let go of the gas pedal suddently. I looked at the RPM gauge when this happend and saw no drop. Sound like there is a sudden restriction of fuel or something. Can anybody help me out? I checked the fuel pressure, it's steady at 35 PSI when the engine is started. Can anybody help me out?

Matt [addsig]


What are you driving (yr, engine size, transmission?) -Al[addsig]

From the limited description, I am going to guesstimate that it may be your fuel filter. Mine was giving me similar simptoms. As soon as I changed it, I could tell the difference. the fuel filter is something you should change anyways, so if it is not the problem, at least you don;t have to worry about the fuel filter.-Al[addsig]


I thought that might be it. Do you know how to release the fuel pressure so I don't get squirted with gas?


You can just crack the line there is no bleed off
and as long as it isn't running it wont be pumping
anymore pressure ...also take your gas cap off.... :-D [addsig]


That is the best thing to do and by the way welcome to the
site where we hope you can find what you are looking for....
Also what state are you located in???? :-D [addsig]

Cool. Whenver you switch out the filter, make sure your ignition is off. It is faily easy. Be sure to pick up 4 hose clamps. When I replaced mine, the clamps on there where unusable after I removed them and also cut open a 1 gallon container so you can catch the fuel the leaks out when you remove the hose. It is not very much, but it will make your work area much neater.-Al[addsig]


Very nicely put and hello a state or two... :lol: [addsig]

Good luck on the change and I hope all works out
well and keep us posted and let us know how it goes
or if we can help any more....... :-D [addsig]


Have any suggestions for new exhaust and performance air filters?[addsig]

I use K&N and I have a gibson exhaust but there are many
brands out there but I am very staisfied with what I have....
But check out you will find alot there
and there will be more people that respond to this that
will be able to give you some different approaches on exhaust...... :-D [addsig]

For performance air filters, I am going to have to suggest the usual K&N. They have been very popular with all types of automobiles. A lot of Jeepers suggest using the cone style filter as opposed to the stock replacement filter. I have a part number for it if you need it. To be honest, I got rid of my stock intake bos and Installed a cone filter using stuff from the local hardware store. It was fairly cheap and I can feel the difference. Let me know if you go this route, and I'll be happy to show you in more detail. I am not much help on the exhaust.-Al[addsig]


Thanks for the help. I have to sleep now. I will let you both know how that filter change goes.[addsig]

My problem has been fixed. I have noticed better performance and acceleration. The filter change was very easy and cheap at $13.

K_k_PSI-GUY, can you send some info on that homemade air intake?
