Don't know about 09 as of yet, I know I will be lobbying again to come down this thanksgiving...I hate cooking turkey. I might have to run over to Colorado this year and spike Cewtwo's shoes so he cant run, just limp and drive. Molly could do all the running this year.
We got Tom's ZJ working again and Tim's TJ is on the road once more, oh and he's working again the lazy bum. And I believe we might have his step-sons waggy on the road by then. Just body work and final tune on the motor, Scott is waiting for it to roll into the shop to do that.
And speaking of Scotty...well his daughter/princess/ the crowned royal highness of the Johnson home lands is at an age where traveling isn't that bad and she now owns everything a 9 month old could possible want/need/ could be stolen from the peasantry. But hes gone Roman on me and has started chanting ālea iacta est trying to be Caesar. He wants a July trip to northern Cali this year. Saying no to the car show trip this year.
JB and Julie?? there old people and could possibly don't even remember where or what Moab is any more...
Troy is a work aholic, darn money grubbers.
At least Davey is ready, he has turned his plain jane YJ into a trailer queen riding on 37's now and is chomping at the bits wanting to go.
Next trip is post, Easter Safari for the car show, but with Tyrantus Scottolis Caesar yelling for an ancient home land invasion, I don't know if we will see Moab this spring. Its one thing to plan a 4 day camping trip to your back yard, but to plan a major trip to run Georgetown to Tahoe, three on the trail and 2-3 just for travel???
Ok guys have I insulted you all enough? You have my phone number, so use it!