The arcade is open!


Staff member
I put up alittle arcade, and you should be able to play a couple of games here:

Let me know what you guys think. I'll try and add a few more (better) games in the future.

Oh yeah, you can get there any time by clicking on the "site map" link at the top of the screen
Let me know the ones you guys thing really stink, and I'll replace them with new ones.

I thought that the chopper games was awful, but I can't stop playing it...

I think i have a problem.

Joust locked up on me twice....just started making a really loud noise and kept getting louder until I had to close the window. The chopper game is pretty lame....
That's a cool little addition to the site Terry! Thanks

I though the chopper game sucked.....but I had trouble giving up on it too, I think I killed a good dozen chopper pilots before I gave up.

Okay, Space invaders is now mine. ALL MINE!!! Bwwaaahhhahahahaha
I wanna file a complaint!!! I just nailed the high score in Arkanoid, but it wouldn't let me post it!! Here are the two unaltered screen shots to prove it:



That really ticks me off.......59,401,450 points.....this has to be some kind of conspiracy to keep the Mighty Sparky off the record books!!!!
I'd like to know how I got bumped to 2nd at Simon when I have the same score as Mingez!! Plus I did it in less time. I think Dual champions should be instituted!

Man even while writing this post I feel like I'm 10 years old :oops:

My wife is going to hate you Terry.

Hexxen rocks, its the first really interesting puzzle game i've played in years. Its both infuriating and addictive. Got tetris?

yeah, i had to ditch donkey kong - it didn't seem to work right. As for arkanoid, I'll try and see what's up with it.
Well here's my Arkanoid high score that didn't get posted. :lol: . And yes the screenshot is unaltered and yes it is 811 million! Take that Sparky!!


  • arkanoid-score4.jpg
    36.4 KB · Views: 216

OMG you have Simon and space invaders. I'm so hooked. I'm off to get sustenance so I can kick some Simon arse!!!!! This has just become the coolest place on the net, espeicallyl in the forum catagory!!!!
