The only CJ7 in South Carolina ??


New member

Am I the only person in South Carolina that owns a Jeep CJ7 ?
Sure seems like it :-(
Just kinda wondering why I can only find a T-5 or a mainshaft for mine in Cali or PA .
Besides the transmission, my 82 CJ7 is shape-n up nicely, got the skip out of the motor (thanks to the "How to Section's ) carb suggestions, found problem with the starter,installed Preimer cd player and 4 6 1/2 inch Memphis Audios, got all the lights, guages and air control knobs working, new u joints in both drive shafts, replaced seats.

My 1982 CJ 7
Right after i get the transmission back in I'll be selling the 258 six cylinder.I wanna get it driveable before I sell , so people can test drive the engine. Any one interested in it can email me.[addsig]


I guess i am
HA !!!! :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: [addsig]

Not that I live in south caralina,but I saw a few CJ7's forsale on ebay.Your not alone. :wink: Sully[addsig]


Put yourself one of these babys on the windshield and then folks will start to ask you about what is that suppost to mean. Then you can tell em to go and check it out for the real story about Jeepz. That is a good ice breaker to get the locals up and running. Isay this will work but I can not get the locals to sing on, but it is a good idea to get the Jeepz name out to the masses even in SC. tug


edited by: Tug-n-pull, May 15, 2003 - 08:26 PM[addsig]

heres a place i found to get my t-5 mainshaft. FINALLY !!!!!!!
Spoke with Dayrl there, he's got his sht togther. A really big help !!
They've got tons of new and used parts,rebuilt transmissions and transfer cases.
Upgrade conversion kits for jeep drivetrains, he's even got a LT-1 350 !![addsig]

Ya Hooooooo
Should be getting transmission back next week.
Man ! Im so ready to drive this baby !
:lol: [addsig]


Glad to hear your ride is on its way to recovery.... :-D [addsig]