This is what a 15 year old fixing a light does to it


New member
This is what i did to fix the broken switch in the overhead light that i broke when i was 10. (i tried to turn it on while it had water in it) I used a dremel tool to widen the hole for the switch and replaced it with this unknown one that untill i turned the jeep on I didnt know it glowed. After the switch was snugly fit into the hole i used my soldering iron to melt the plastic together to seal it and keep it in. I then soldered (very poorly) back on the two wires for the light and power. after all this was done i put it back together and installed it in the jeep. Now i just need to know how to seal it. Should i use silicone?

The first photo is of me lighting it up with a flash light so i could check to make sure it was on the bar tight. The second is when the ignition turned on and to my surprise the switch glowed.:shades: I tried to take a photo of it with the light on but there was to much glare.


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its supposed to glow when the switch is on not in off position try switching the wires on the back of switch bottom one on to the top pin and the top one to bottom also the power lead should be on the middle one if its the kind of switch I'm thinking it is