TJ cooling


New member
Hey everyone, new here hoping you good Jeep people can help me out with some questions??? Trying to go back to stock on my cooling system 97 TJ 4.0. I'm wondering if the fan blades, fan clutch, fan shroud will work off a 95 YJ ? Or if someone has a good lead on these stock TJ parts for a good price thanks everyone

Eric, UT
Do you have a 4x4 junk yard near by?

Quadratec has a bolt in aluminum radiator and shroud but it goes for like $300....I'm going to go that route along with a high capacity waterpump...I like rinning the AC while on the trail out here in the California deserts.

What is important is fin count and density. When you look at factory vs other aftermarket you will find factory having higher fin density than all.
As for water pumps the speed the water glows at is crucial. It needs time to absorb the heat in the engine and release the heat in the rad. Too slow overheat or boil leading to overheat. Too fast and the engine cylinders overheat because the coolant didn't have time to absorb the heat and change of internal currents. Also moving too fast thru the rad it does not release enough heat


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