The frame on the XJ isn´t much more than sheet metal. Getting inside the frame, to tighten the nuts, in most places is hard to impossible without trimming the frame ends some or unbolting a whole lot of stuff. Pulling on a couple of bolts stuck through sheet metal can result in tearing the sheet metal. The solution is to use, step 1 (maybe 1 ton)large washers behind the nuts to spread out the load some. Step 2 (maybe 2 tons) a large piece of flat steel, cut to almost fill the inside of the frame and bolting it between the nuts and hooks to spread the load even more. Step 3 (maybe 2 1/2 tons) is to buy or make a piece of flat steel or buy a bracket, that uses the frame and bumper as anchors and has the extra benefit of moving the hook outboard some, so it´s easier to get to.
The object is not to have the hooks (or bumper) seperate from the vehicle, when trying to pull someone out of a ditch and possibly end up wearing the hook (or bumper)as a hood ornament in somebodies forehead. (sorry about the wise cracks, it´s genetic, not personnal).
If your interested I can E-mail you a sketch my son made, for the tow rings on my wifes new XJ.[addsig]