towing capacity of a ZJ


New member
the wife and I have a 1994 ZJ with v8 and 4x4. I have a bagged and bodydropped MAZDA (minitruckin thing). It is a show truck and if i take it to a show less than 100 miles ro so I will drive it. However come spring time I am planing on hitting some long distance shows like in Miss., Tenn., Va., and some other places. Would this ZJ be able to tox my mazda on a small car hauler, without any problems?

What are some things that other guys with ZJ's tow?
RE: Im a new guy with alot of enthusiasm but little knowledg

I dont even know what my towing capacity is of hand (yes i know its in the manual) but i haul a 87 20 foot 4 wins with a 351 cleavland in it, (dont know how much it weighs) 8 hours with my 94 4.0 limited. gas milage not so good but it does it like a champ. My uncle can do the same thing with his 89 Cherokee God I love Jeeps!!!!!
RE: unlimited ?

find out the tongue weight of the trailer with the mazda on it. I have a friend whose family towed a 22' sea ray with a 4.0 zj and a 5.2 zj for 2+ hrs, no problem on either however the 5.2 handled coming up the launch ramp with the boat on the trailer much better. Does the zj have the factory tow package?
RE: been a while

keep in mind if this has been working so far for you, when you go with bigger tires, you're talking about something completely different. either keep the stock rims/tires around for towing, or think of something else. just a heads up.
RE: Re: RE: Zipper on a soft top?

Is it an Automatic transmission? IF so, make sure it has a descent sized transmission cooler (a seperate one from the radiator).

Then...go for it. I've got a friend who has towed his 5,800 lb Toyota (which weighs a LOT more than your Mazda would weigh) behind his ZJ. It wasn't all that fast up hills, but take your time and it will be alright.

Cheap lifts: Bad Times?

we pull a 6800 pound trailer with ours , and it can do a little pulls that trailer as good as our 1 ton truck acctully a little better than it. you might want to go to a trailer dealer ship and ask them. they will tell you exactally what is the limit.

p.s. i cant spell i case you didnt notice
RE: Re: RE: Willys

heres a pic


  • jeep_trailer.jpg
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Oh, and good trailer brakes won't hurt either...otherwise just be real carefull slowing down and you'll be fine.

RE: girl + jeep

Looking at that pic with the camper-trailer, that ZJ 95 posted, you should have no problem... I know that my XJ weighs just under 4,000 pounds, that trailer is a lot more than that, and I am pretty sure that the Mazda weighs less than an XJ, so you should be fine :)