Transmission back-up light switch


New member
I hope this is the right place to post this question.. I have a Jeep T-176 4 speed transmission in a hot rod. There is a backup light switch on the shifter top. I desperately need the "Plug" that goes into that receptacle, as I'm using the backup light switch to enable a relay to drop out the O/D when using reverse. I need the plug with at least 4" of wire attached for me to connect to.
Does anyone have any idea where I might find such a thing? I've checked junk yards and even the Jeep dealer in town, but because the transmission is so old (82-86), I'm told that it's not available. Any ideas??
Maybe someone has one laying around that they'd sell to me, or knows of something that will fit?

Thanks and regards


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Cool... Look at that old Flathead V-8 :-) Back when they made engines out of cast iron and the only electronics in the car was the AM tube radio.

That looks like a Gear Vendors electric shift, planetary overdrive unit. A guy I knew had the UNDERdrive version in a Dodge truck and ran the wires up the shift lever to a HI/LO switch from a truck with a dual rane rear end. You push or pull the switch with your fingers and your palm never leaves the stick. He drove the underdrive unit like a split rear, shifting it in and out as he walked through his 5 speed. There were a couple of gear combinations that were too close (so not worth the shift) but he had probably about 7 or 8 useful steps to shift through. He'd wind up the little Cummns 6BT pulling a heavy trailer and sound like a big guy going through the all the gears. Interestingly, the Gear Vendors unit NEVER blew up. He's blown up several transmissions and a rear end but the underdrive held up. Often, when you tie a 6BT to a heavy load SOMETHING blows up :p

I don't have a good picture, but the shift lever is a Marlin .22 rifle barrel with the wires inside leading to a shift ball with a push button enclosed. Let's see what I can find?
Yes, it's a GV unit adapted to the rear of the transfer case adapter. The transmission case is Jeep, but all the internal gears are Ford "toploader gears", as the jeep gearing is too low for my purposes.


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